The first night

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It's family movie night and we are sitting on our couch watching The Big Bang Theory. All of a sudden a man comes up the drive way on a motorcycle and rings the doorbell.

My mom answers the door.

A scream.

A gun shot.

A bang on the ground.

My dad goes to find out what just happens and tells us to hide.

Another gun shot.

Another bang on the ground.

Now we now this is no joke.

Me and my sisters run to our rooms as foot steps come up the stairs. We all run into our closets thinking that's the safest place to be.

The footsteps get closer and closer.

I hear two more screams and gun shots and know my sisters have been found.

The footsteps are now right outside my closet door. I hold my breath and they go away. I think I'm safe.

I hear the motorcycle start up and what I think to drive away.

The next second as I'm getting out of the closet. I feel hands grab around my waist.

"There yous are" a scruffy voice says

I am then tossed up onto a shoulder.

"I has to make it look likes you tried to run but failed"

We are outside he sets me down and I run for it

I hear a gun shot and everything goes black.

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