4 || Outrun the Party Lights

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Avery Stork? Why would the most popular boy in school want to talk to the new girl? Well, why would anyone out of someone's league-- if it fits the bill-- wanna speak with someone that entirely different and new? Oh, well, things happen... Y/n believed Avery was just coming to say hello or apologize for Violet's unnecessary behavior. Y/n tucked her hands into her jeans and felt her cheeks burn up just a tad when he got closer to her.

"Hi, Avery." She greeted him.

"Hey." He replied to her. "I didn't think to see you here."

"Oh, I was just giving my new car a drive through the neighborhood and thought of coming to this party." She explained to him.

"A party for a girl like you?" Avery cocked an eyebrow at her. "No offense, but aren't you the innocent type?"

Innocent? He just called her innocent. Is she innocent, or only when she wants to be?

"You're calling me the innocent?" Y/n snickered. "I can be bad all by myself."

"Really?" Avery crossed his arms. The music continued to blare up the block the teens stood on and people cheered as they danced. Those noises were drowned out now that these two are talking to one another.

"Yes." Y/n clears her throat and starts listing things she considers 'bad'. "I've cheated on an algebra test, copied and pasted sentences from online, hidden behind a dumpster to stay away from gym class, and ran up and down the school halls. That's how bad I am."

All Avery did was laugh at Y/n's response. He knows she can be the bad type if it ever comes to her. "You're pretty cute." He says the most cliche sentence ever... "And you said you got a new car, right? What kind?"

He called her cute. The hottest boy in school called Y/n cute. She ignores his flirty side and answers his question about her car. "A yellow Camaro with two black racing stripes. I was just looking for it."

"You don't know where you parked?" Avery asked her.

"No. I do know." She trailed off, realizing how embarrassing it is to lose her own car after just about ten minutes. "It's just...the car is gone."

Avery was in the mood to help her out since he didn't have his crazy girlfriend at his side. He itched the back of his head, unsure where to start first with Y/n. "How long did you leave it alone?"

"Not even that long." Y/N looking down and up the road. "Do you think someone would steal it?"

"Are you kidding?" He chuckled at her. "A yellow Camaro would be chosen over a 50-karat ring. Of course, someone might have stolen it."

Y/n groaned, knowing that was her only ride home and the gift from her parents. "What now? I can't just walk home."

"I can give you a ride." Avery offered kindly. "Only if it's okay with you."

"No, no. No thanks." Y/n shook her head. She appreciated Avery's offer but refused. "I'll just call my Dad to pick me up."

As Y/N and Avery discussed the plan for Y/n to get home, a car alarm went off down the block. Civilians turned their heads in the direction of the car's cry, and Y/n didn't hesitate to run after it. She pushed through people standing on the sidewalk, causing them to spill drinks and lose their balance. Soon the teenager made it into the street where a crowd of intoxicated teens lay on the hood of the car.

They laughed and their speech was slurred from too many drinks. The odd thing is, the Camaro is rocking side to side as the headlights and breaklights flickered with the alarm wailing.

"Hey! Get away from my car!" Y/n pulled off intoxicated people. She placed her hands on the hood and walked carefully to the driver's door. Avery wasn't far behind and found out what situation the new girl of school was in.

"What? You got a '77 Camaro?" He was shocked at the custom paint job and the beautiful body shape.

"Yes, I do." Y/n opens the car door and enters inside. The car stopped rocking and quit its funny little tantrum which confused the girl in its front seat. he checked to see if the keys were in the ignition and discovered they were on the floor beneath her feet. Suddenly, she heard these garbled voices-- the ones she heard on her phone recently! To top it off, the radio is going crazy!

"Oh, my lanta!" She exclaimed. "What the hell?! What is going on?!" She panicked. "Stop it!" Y/n turned dials, pressed buttons, and smacked the radio.

"Yo." Avery came to the passenger window. "This is a sweet ride, I'm telling you."

"Thanks?" She replied the radio faded from nonsense radio static to a variety of songs. Y/n continued to fiddle with the out-of-control car, attempting to fix its flaws. It threw her sanity completely off track when it made the strangest choice ever... for a car!

"Is it me you're looking for?-- Ladies bounce to this-- I'm a slave for yo--" The stations changed at random.

"Are you serious?!" She yelled at it. "Someone had to be connected to my car. Bluetooth?"

"Uh..." Avery mumbled. "Are you okay?" He backs away from the door. He was beginning to feel the same way that Y/n was feeling; confused and soon-to-be frustrated. Maybe he didn't want to get to know her. He wasn't sure. Just listening to Y/n ramble silly things about her car made him think otherwise.

Y/n responded back to Avery. "I'm peachy!"

She is still trying to fix the radio, hearing nothing but songs that relate to love, girls, driving, speed, and action. Avery spoke once more to Y/n. "Hey, I gotta catch up with Violet. I'll see you at school?"

Y/N gave up on fixing the radio and planted her head on the steering wheel. "Sure..."

Avery had a whole different feeling to Y/N, now. She had a very handsome car, stood up to the drunks touching her vehicle, and hit the radio which probably got its own drink to go haywire. But she probably wasn't his type. Or at least that is what his current thought is about her.

Y/N sighed and looked at the lit-up radio, getting a weird vibe before politely saying, "Can you stop, please?"

Like magic, the chatty radio went silent. Her jaw dropped and had an ounce of courage to turn the dial. A news station filled her ears instead of irritating music. "What?" She whispered, inserting the keys in the ignition and turning it away from her. "I'm crazy. This piece of crap Camaro is--"

The engine roared, vibrating the seats, the back wheels screeching against asphalt and darting forward. Y/n realized she didn't have her foot on the gas, and this car was being controlled on its own. "Hey! What the actual f*ck!! Stop!" She cried, flooring the brake which did nothing for the car.

Y/n glanced out of all her car's windows. She looks out the windshield where people ran off the street from a speeding car. Behind her, young adults stare down the yellow Camaro and then the 'oh no' sound of the police. "Oh, sh*t! Stop the car! Let me out!"

Y/n's birthday gift made a sharp turn, driving away from the public event. A single police car with a paint job that made it appear silky and smooth sped up on the tail of the old Camaro in rage. The flashing red and blue lights were nearly blinding Y/n and the siren's screams echoed down the streets. Y/n expected the driver coming from the police car to announce she needed to pull over, but instead of witnessing a cop's routine job, the police car chose to ram the rear of the Camaro. This officer was not friendly and did not want to let Y/n off the hook nicely.

Y/n screamed in fright, not knowing what was going on or why it was happening. She kept both eyes on this black and white patrol vehicle and noticed the left side of the front extends a gun-like object. A mini-missile.

"Whatever you are, you need to go faster." Y/n clutched the seat. Then, the police cruiser fired the first round of ammunition at the Camaro's rooftop. She busted out another command. "Outrun 'em! You gotta drive!" She told her car. "Do not stop!"

The engine growled aggressively under the hood and floored it. This car was protecting its owner for the first time and it is honored it chose her.

🄷🄸🅂 🄿🅄🅁🄴 🄶🄾🄻🄳 (Tʀᴀɴsғᴏʀᴍᴇʀs: Tʜᴇ Lᴀsᴛ Kɴɪɢʜᴛ) ❪✓❫ Where stories live. Discover now