One Night Stand

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I remember walking into a bar to meet my friends.

My two friends greet me at the bar "What's up, Zeke?" "Heya dude." I give them each a bro hug and we start downing drinks and having a good time. "Dude, Alex." Ben says "We should go bar hopping, see if we can't find a new friend." Alex replies excitedly, drunk "Hell yeah! What do you say Zeke? You wanna go bar hopping tonight?" Ben hits Alex on the chest "Dude, I forgot Zeke doesn't really like bar hopping." Honestly this bar just has the best drinks at the cheapest prices. Shrugging I say "If you two wanna go I'm up for it." I pause and then smile "As long as you're paying for drinks!" Both Alex and Ben punch me in the shoulder and then drunkenly shout "Yeah!!!!" Together.

It took about five bars before we found our new friend.

I walked into our fifth bar tonight, kinda getting tired of bar hopping. Until I met eyes with a stranger. He's shorter than me and he looks to be younger too. He's got blonde-silver hair and piercing blue eyes. I feel like he stares right through me. His eyes portray a certain look, as if he were made of ice. Ben and Alex immediately caught onto my interest. Ben points towards the new guy "Right there, that'll be our newest friend." Alex joins in "As picked by Zeke!" They drag me over to the bar where the guy sat. As we got closer to him I realise he's pretty fucking cute for a guy. Ben, Alex and I sit next to him and strike up a conversation. "How are you?" "Drinking alone?" Ben and Alex practically bombard him while I get us some drinks. "Fine. Yeah I am." He answers in a monotone voice.

I come back and give everyone their drinks, including the new guy with a smile. "This is Ben, Alex and I'm Zeke. What's your name?" I ask him in a genuine tone and he looks at me in surprise. "I'm Rorie." He says with actual emotion in his voice this time and I can feel that he'll warming up to us. Rorie isn't nearly as drunk as us, but that was soon to change with Ben and Alex around.

We hung out with our new friend for about three hours before we walked out of the bar with Ben and Alex. They decided they wanted to head home and crash for the night. However Rorie and I were still pretty energetic and decided to hit a couple more bars. Even though I knew it was a bad decision to keep going without my two best friends. The problem with me is when I get drunk, I like to start fights. I'll fight literally anyone, and Ben and Alex are ninety percent of my impulse control when I'm drunk.

Rorie of course didn't know this though when we walked into our next bar. Who even knows where this bar was, but at this point it didn't matter because as soon as we walked in other drunkards were coming up to us. They tried to take Rorie, but Rorie didn't really seem like he wanted to go with them. These people looked like they wanted to do some pretty vile things to him.

Rorie shrank in on himself and hid behind me. I crack my knuckles. Finally a good fight. I jump into the crowd fray and begin a fight with everyone who even looked at Rorie the wrong way. Suddenly I can feel pain throughout my entire body and I laugh to myself. "Shit. I'm losing again." I guess that's what happens when you take on an entire bar. Before I can figure out what's going on I'm face to face with Rorie who has pulled me out of the fray.

I find it hard to walk, but Rorie helps me stumble to a nearby drug store. It looks like all those people got too busy fighting each other and forgot about me. When we get into the drugstore Rorie has me sit in a chair and goes to buy some things. When he comes back he has bandages and ice. He helps me bandage a few cuts I got and then he helps me ice a good majority of my bruises and injuries. "Jeez. I got my ass kicked didn't I?" I said to him leaning back in the chair exhausted. "That's what happens when you take on a whole bar." Rorie chuckles a little. "I need something to drink." I say tiredly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2017 ⏰

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