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Luhan, Minseok, Jongdae, Jongin, Sehun, Wu Yifan, Yi Xing, Zi Tao, Suho, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and Kyungsoo


A Xiuhan Fanfic

Minseok has problems in his life, and so does luhan. Luhan is in his senior year in high school, Minseok transfers into the same school. Luhan not knowing his friends somewhat heard of Minseok before from Jongdae. Luhan is abit clueless and sometimes zones out when his friends are talking. Learns that Minseok and Jongdae are dating and kinda gets upset for some reason later on. Later, over abunch of months, Luhan and Minseok end up being like really close bros. He develops feelings for Minseok and is scared because Minseok has a boyfriend. Luhan has been lonely for awhile after he and Suho broke up which was Suho being a total jerk and Minseok tried to help and has been helping him deal with it, but Luhan just doesn't understand anything anymore. Minseok has told Luhan his past and how horrible it is to this day. Luhan is so caring, luhan puts others before himself. Soon Luhan asks Minseok a question. And what Minseok says shocks him. Why is luhan so upset about it though?

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Xi Luhan

 A 18 year old senior in high school. A shy, funny, caring, jealous, happy, a overall good friend to have. Ends up liking Minseok but has a big problem ahead of him. He's a great listener and sometimes in peoples space, a bubbly person even if he still has depressing moments but has time to help others and put them in front of himself. Oldest out of the group but acts like youngest but still knows when to act like an adult.                                                        

Kim Minseok

A 17 year old that just transfered into a new high school, he transfered because he wanted to be with his boyfriend jongdae. He didn't know his life would change his dark past. Afraid of losing friends, stubborn, confused, has a dark past and present, thinks luhan is like the brother he always wanted (or more than that to him than he reliazes). Sometimes doesn't want to eat because of his weight(which luhan thinks he looks awesome).                                                   

Kim Jongdae (Chen)

A 17 year old Junior. Minseok's boyfriend. He doesn't know how to be a good boyfriend. He hates luhan (luhan doesn't like him because jongdae hates him and has Minseok). He can be weird, annoying to luhan, clueless, likes to prank and troll people. Sometimes jealous of Luhan's and Minseok's bro bond (thinks Luhan is hiding something). Jongin is his best friend.

 Kim Jong In (Kai)

A 17 year old Junior. Jongdae is his best friend. He and Sehun have a close bond. He had done something with Minseok and Luhan but no one will tell Jongdae about it, he thinks it will ruin their friendship. A player, the hot guy in school, funny, energetic, and caring when he thinks it is right. Is annoyed when people talk about relationships, since his last boyfriend broke up with him. The others tell him a bunch of guys like him, but he is never confident.

 Oh Sehun

A 18 year old senior. One of Luhan's close friends, knew Luhan since Elementary school. Puts up with Luhan and knows it's just his friend being himself. Sehun is like the mother of the group and even though Luhan is the oldest, Sehun acts the oldest. Jongin is one of his other close relationship as in like brotherly. Sehun has a younger brother named Do Kyungsoo. Treats MInseok like a child to him and cares but some stuff he doesn't know only Luhan knows everything about Minseok. He is strict, cheerful(sometimes), serious, boss, like a mom, yells at Luhan alot but still loves him like a bro.

 Kris Wu Yifan

A 17 year old Junior. He likes Luhan but hasn't said anything yet. Sometimes can be abit mean to people, and have mood swings. Doesn't think Luhan likes him, because Luhan hits him (Luhan kinda has a crush on Kris, and play hits like people do with their crushes). He is sweet, crabby, caring, bit mean sometimes, stressed out, admires Luhan because Luhan is so caring, and sweet.

Zhang Yixing (Lay)

A 18 year old senior and childhood freind to Luhan. He is funny, understanding, gives advice, caring, challenging, smart, and motivator. He always listens to Luhan when Luhan is upset or has his crazy ideas or needs help or a friend. Sometimes feels tired of Luhan, but still loves Luhan's determination. He wants to be a model and talks to Luhan about his dream.

Huang Zitao (Tao)

A 18 year old Senior. He is the school bully but he only picks on one person: Luhan. He is mean, crazy, wants to kill Luhan sometimes, cute, can be on and off sometimes (one day acting nice but then mean the next), acts tough but is still a softy. He likes someone at the school.

Kim Joon Myun (Suho)

A 18 year old Senior. He is the second oldest. Luhan's ex. He is a jerk, player, lies, heartbreaker, has a new boyfriend, lied to Luhan, mean, acts sweet sometimes. When he dated Luhan, they dated for awhile, but later stopped talking to Luhan, and they broke up. He texted Minseok that he still liked Luhan after he broke up with his ex that was after he dated Luhan, Luhan and him hanged for awhile and later he said he wasn't ready for a relationship and later found another guy. (Luhan was upset for 6 months after). He really never showed up anymore after awhile.

Park Chanyeol (Jongdae's younger brother)

A 15 year old Freshmen. His brother is Jongdae. He is annoying, weird, loves to mess with people, and make things. He gets on Jongdae's nerves. His best friend is Baekhyun.

Byun Baekhyun (Minseok's younger brother)

A 15 year old Freshmen. He is Minseok's annoying brother and causes most of Minseok's problems. He is hyper, annoying, likes to be loud and in others personal space. He tries and make friends with Minseok's friends and hang around alot and Minseok doesn't like it. Baekhyun always tries to talk with Luhan( Luhan sometimes gets annoyed cuz Baekhyun only talks about himself and thinks he knows everything, when Luhan is upset, Baekhyun doesn't care or listen and just talks about himself) (Luhan just puts up with it for Minseok and takes the stress and pain off of Minseok. Doesn't care if he himself has to suffer). He is pushy in other people's business and lies and makes Minseok's parents only blame Minseok for his doings.

Do Kyungsoo (Sehun's brother)                  

A 18 year old Senior. He is sweet, caring, can cook, funny, and nice. Sehun is his older brother. Clings to Sehun cuz he's alittle shy.                                                                      

hey guys it's me and this is my story from asianfanfics I'm beautyluhan1 on Asian fan fics

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