Ch.1 Rules

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 It was an normal day for the king and queen. They were both in the throne room going through paperwork and the  supplies for their people. Everything was peaceful until, a group of angry citizens burst through the door with guards on their tails. Noah and Mary looked up at the citizens. They were furious, anger showing on their faces.
    One of the citizens ran up growling furiously, "Don't you care for the future of your people?!?" He asked in a angry tone. "Of course we do." Noah and Mary said in unison, "Really now? Then why don't you have children yet? The rules state that the king and queen should have at least one child, so when they pass their offspring will that their place." Said another citizen.

  "Of course we know the rules, we just haven't had any luck on having children." Noah said getting a little frustrated.
"Then you should forget about your queen and find another if she can't reproduce." said another. Mary gasped as she heard that, "That's it! Guards get these citizens out of the this castle, now!!" Yelled Noah.
"How dare they insult my wife like that." Noah said to himself. 
Noah's POV
My citizens are getting more irritated each day, and it's making me furious. They are getting more selfish and rude each day. They don't understand what me and Mary have been through. All of the children we had died in their eggs. All through the months with them in my wife's stomach all of them were completely fine, but none of them made it through the laying process. They all died in their eggs.

(So to explain, turtles on this planet lay an egg. A big egg with a possibility to hold two little babies, but its usually one. Mary and Noah had one little egg and it never hatched. They tried again and the same happened, then the last time they tried the exact same happened. Noah doesn't want to push Mary through that situation again. It's really painful for her, cause she wants to be a mother.)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2018 ⏰

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