Dark Light Preview

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By: Pikaman04 and Mermaid_Lover

It was a dark night. She was out all alone. All she had was her phone and a light that was out of batteries. 'Perfect,' she thought. 'Just great.' She knew she wasn't going to last long. All she had to do was get out of the dark forest. But that was easier said than done.

Suddenly, everything went dark. She was so confused. Where was she? She then looked up and saw them on the top of the cliff that suddenly appeared.

Their eyes glowed as they watched her from the shadows.

They were coming. They had found her. She fell to her knees, defeated, and curled up into a ball, ready for them to trample her... but it never came.

Chapter 1: (Ash)

Ash woke up, still recovering from the dream. But that was the thing. It hadn't felt like a dream, or nightmare, or whatever it was. She was in her room. She took deep breaths, trying to calm herself down.

Once she had stopped hyperventilating, she looked to her alarm clock. It was 5 a.m. 'Why is it so early? That dream felt so long,' she thought to herself. She decided to get ready for school anyway. Ash had a feeling that this was going to be a long Monday.

Ash turned on her lamp, so she wouldn't trip over something, or run into the wall. She blinked as her eyes adjusted to the light. As quietly as possible, she got out of her thick blanket, walked to her door, turned the knob, and pulled it slowly. She tiptoed out of her room, down the hallway, and slowly pushed her parent's door open. It made a muffled creaking sound as the frozen hinges were forced to work in the cold air. Ash shivered. She could've sworn that this was the coldest winter the town of Bakersfield had ever experienced.

She peeked into the room, and, sure enough, her dad had already left for work. Her mom was wrapped in the three thick blankets that were required for the weather. Ash sighed. She was hoping that she could have at least said goodbye to her dad before he left.

She quietly crept back into her room, closed the door, and reached for the clothes that were sitting on her chair. She changed slowly, with her extra time an advantage, and thought about her strange nightmare. Why had she had it? What did it mean? After a while of pondering, she realized that she was making it seem more of a big deal than was necessary. She laughed quietly to herself. 'I'll just talk to Mike about it,' she thought.

Mike Smith was her best friend. Ever since she met Mike, her life had changed. She had met him at school in 5th grade, and now they were in the middle of 9th grade. They both had no friends at school until they met each other. They decided to become friends because they had some things in common. They both were always awkward and very clumsy.

Ash was definitely by far the clumsiest person alive. She tripped over thin air many times every day. Actually, her klutziness was how they met in the first place.

Ash had been rushing to her next class because her stupid locker wouldn't open. When she finally did manage to get her stuff out of it, she had 2 minutes until her science class started. Being the klutz she was, she tripped over her left foot, losing her footing, and banging into a locker. While this was happening, she managed to knock Mike's stuff out of his hand as he was unfortunate enough to walk by the exact moment she tripped.

This definitely caused stares from the few students left in the hallway. "Oh! I'm so sorry!" she had apologized. She helped Mike pick up his stuff, and apologized again. "Thanks," Mike had said after she helped him pick his stuff back up.

After that incident, the two somehow became friends. Leading into 9th grade, as the two got older, people began to wonder...about them. Ash and Mike had always explained otherwise, and their classmates just shrugged it off afterward, forgetting about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2017 ⏰

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