Chapter One

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I listened to Cody talk, he never stopped talking.

"I mean, it's stupid! Common core is stupid!" He said stressing stupid. I raised my eyebrow, he was saying it was stupid, but he didn't know how stupid he is. Huh, when you think it, it really has no meaning.

"Cody, you're stupid and you always will be, but, I guess since you kind of make it look cool, it's okay." I said coolly, but, he looked at me like I was some sort of spawn of the devil. I probably am.

"Well, since you feel that way," He added quickly, seeing the look on my face "I mean, not that it's a bad thing! I mean, you are one of the smartest people I know!" I just looked at him, he was a really big suck-up. But, I just smiled, he may be a suck-up, but he was a good friend. He thought I didn't count him as a friend, but I do.

"Maybe when you learn how not to be like Travis, you-"

"I AM NOT LIKE TRAVIS!" He bellowed. I smile, Cody was my brother, and my best friend, well, my older brother. My brother had this little gang, not like a street gang, but like a group of friends. I don't really count them as friends. There's only one person I actually count as a friend. Well, he and his twin. Everyone else in the school calls me "Emo Chick". It's a very infuriating name.

"Hey, look! Emo Chick, how ya doin' girl?" Said one of the jocks.

"I'm tellin' ya! They must like you if they're making fun of you like this! They'd better back off!" I watched as Cody glared in their direction. Cody was also like the alpha at school. Ya know, top dog. That's when one of the twins Cj, walk up and hands me a note.

"It was in your locker, Jason was waiting for you and he saw this."

I take the note and read it.


Look, I know we got off on the wrong foot, but I miss you. You know I do, look babe, I know you have to miss me, too. You don't actually know the truth, not all of it anyways, just meet me after school, around 5:30, please, you don't know how much I want to make it up to you! Please, just meet me! Actually, how about we just meet at


I glare at the paper. I turn it over, and write;


I don't care what you do and don't want! I don't want you back, so, you can take this note, and stuff it up your.... Uh, you know. But, since you asked so nicely, I guess I can make it. But, don't get your hopes up, I kind of hate you. I don't even know why you still try! You know I practically hate your guts for leaving in the position you left me in!


Maybe I was a little harsh in the note, but he doesn't even know me when I'm that angry. In fract, I've never actually yelled at anybody but my brothers. Being the only girl sucks. Seriously, our mom died when I was born, so I don't anything, or much about her. My brothers don't talk about her, neither does my dad.

"Did, you even hear me Camri?" Cj asked. I looked up.

"What? No, sorry, I was caught up in my thoughts."

"Jason's coming, act normal!" Cj said. I roll my eyes, but do as he says.

"Hey guys, uh, Cj, did you give her that note?"

"Yup, that's why her face is red! Uh, Cam, are you okay?" Cj, the caring one, as well as his brother are super annoying when they worry about me like that. I mean, why don't they ever worry about Cody?! Well, I guess I am adopted. Oh well, nobody cares.

"Since all of you are going to be annoying like this, I'm gone." I walked away pulling out my journal.

February 1, 2022

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