snap text

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Jack noticed that you blocked him on Instagram Twitter and messages but you forgot one app snap chat

Jack😡😭: babe I miss you in my arms
It's been two weeks since you have talked to jack you are still at the boys house staying with Daniel and zach plus Jonah and Christina and Corbyn jack has the room room for himself you  and  daniel sleep in Zach,corbyn and Jonah's room him while the others sleep in the living room
Jack's pov
My wife💍🍑: wtf jack you should have thought about that before you yelled at me without even asking what happened and you decide to flirt with other


Jack😡😭: I just wanna say I love you

You get the point
My wife💍🍑:ok cool 17 seconds

Jack😡😭: you don't love me back?

My wife💍🍑:7 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and yes but I'm not liking you at the moment and Meand Daniel are going to the movies so don't call us

Jack 😡😭: wtf mikayla

Jack😡😭: ok look mikayla
I Love you
I'm here for you
I'm here for Daniel too

Sorry it was short😶

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