If You Ever Come Back [One Shot]

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If You Ever Come Back [One Shot]

By : TheScriptDirectioner and Namii :)

"Harry, we are over, I don't want you, around me anymore! We're so over!"

She said as she break free from my grip, she immediately ran towards the door to get her coat behind it and wear it, she was crying, mixed anger and pain is all over her, I know I hurt her so much, but I don't want to lose her,

"Chaine, please, stay with me, I can't bear to lose you!"

I told her and tried to stop her from leaving,

"Harry, please, stay away from me, I might kill you right now with my bare hands!" she said,

We've been fighting for two days now, over some big reason, at first, we tried to fix the problem, but as days passed and both of us we're getting really annoyed of the problem, she decided to leave me, right now, she ran out, it was raining and she didn't bring an umbrella, she just wear her coat, and boots on,

"Chaine! You'll get sick!"

I shouted at her as I chase her and try to give her an umbrella,

"Leave me alone, Harry!"she said,

"This is not over, Chaine," I told her, she stopped for a while, she was staring at the ground, she took off her coat, and throw it on the ground, I was worried sick, she will get a fever if she kept on playing hard to get,

She looked at me, straight in the eyes, her grey eyes, full of anger and pain, tears streaming down her face even though it was raining,

"It was over two days ago," she said and ran away from me,

I cried, I knelt on the ground and tried to think what will be my next move,

"If you ever come back, I will make things right,"




I've been calling her for a couple of hours already, I know she is angry at me, I kept our relationship from everyone, and used Kendall to hide it, but the thing is, I fell for Kendall, she is stunning, sexy, a model, an actress, beautiful, and well, almost perfect, I've been a fool, to fall for Kendall, it was the management's idea, and I know they did something to wreck my relationship with her,

"Sorry, the number you have dialed is out of coverage area or is currently unavailable, please try to call later..."

Shit, I already gave her, 75 missed calls, and yet it didn't even dropped in her voice mail?! What kind of girl is she? I know she is some kind of, a nerd, and didn't know how to use her iPhone yet, but could she please read the manual or try to experiment on things, I'm getting a little worried, "What's wrong Harry?" asked Niall, as he join me on my bunk inside the tour bus, "It's Chaine, she's not answering my calls," I told him, "Maybe she is having a hard time on operating her iPhone, you know Chaine's a little bit of a..." "Stop it, she is my girlfriend," I told him before he finish what he wants to say,

"Fine, what's wrong though?" he asked, "I think she is, angry, I think she saw the pics," I told him, "Oh, well good luck on that mate," Niall said as he leave me, I tried calling her again, but still it was unavailable, "Oh come on," I exclaimed, as I received another inattentive call, I picked up my iPad and log on to my secret Facebook account only she knows, she was online, and her profile is already full of music videos of heart break songs, "Oh come on, not again," I told myself,

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