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  *ping* Who could be texting me at this time of night?

  People dont give two shits about others sleep, I swear.

I checked my phone to see who it was, but it was unknown.

Unknown: Hey dude, im outside.
Me: urmm first off im not a dude and whos this?
Unknown: whos this?
Me: I asked first, idiot 😒 and why the hell did you text at 2:18 AM
Unknown: Im looking for carlos is he around you?
Me: nope but who are you damn its just one gosh dang on question.
Unknown: Okay fine, my name is gray jeez woman 😐
Me: i could be a man
Unknown: nahh you give off a woman-ish vibe.
Me: ssuuuurrreeeee. But im raegan
Unknown: welcome to your worst nightmare raegan 😏
Me: bye

I powered my phone off. What a jerk.

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