Dedicated to my Wattpad friend Lauri AKA EwPeopleSuck (Happy Birthday!!!)
You’re the Amazing one
And super fun.
I love your name Lauri
You’re weird and funny.
Now enough with all that,
I think I just spat.
What I wanted to say
Was a Happy Birthday
To my cool, Asian friend
That I have befriend.
Ha, that wasn’t even a word
But I’m not a nerd
So forgive me here
I was only trying to bleugh.
That was a fart
I didn’t mean to start.
But it didn’t rhyme before
So was I meant to roar?
This doesn’t seem finished
But it’s now nearing the end
So all this was meant
For a nice special friend
Happy birthday again
Have an amazing weekend
None of this rhymed
But nobody’s perfect
So I will now conclude
This here is the end.
Happy Birthday my friend I hope you have an amazing one. This is early because I'll be on holiday when it is your birthday so I wouldn't be able to update, so here it is now. I hope you enjoyed it and yeah :D