0- Before All Of It

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AU, yes, AU. First time doing something like this, and I don't know what the heck I'm doing. But you know what? Piss off unimaginative brain. Let my imagination "run wild" for a moment longer.

By the way, there's gunna be a few folks in this chap. that aren't in 'Naruto' the manga. They're from a different movie, and if you guess which person is who from which movie, I will love you forever. Truly. And, no, I obviously won't put their real names on here. They'll all have nicknames, but it'll be fairly (read: very) obvious who it is... Hopefully. At least one person will have their original first name (But you shall nevah get their last name from moi *grins*)

Moving on!


~Chapter 0~

"Hey, Naruto. Heard you were going back to Japan?"

Naruto glanced up from his lunch and grinned, "Yep. Why? You gunna miss me?"

"Nope." Jack sat down in the seat in front of Naruto's with a tired grunt and smirked, "It's your loss. You'll miss the fun."

"Sorry Jack, I'm gunna be taking the fun with me." Naruto made a little clutching motion towards his chest, "You'll never get it back!"

"Oh! The horror!" Jack moaned, clutching at his own chest and tilting his head back dramatically with one hand on his forehead. As the two boys snickered, Teresa sneaked into the chair beside Jack.

"Look Sam, the two class clowns are at it again." Her voice was light and teasing, and behind her, Sam grinned and silently snickered, taking his usual seat beside Naruto. Jack and Naruto smirked at each other, accepting the company. If it was a few month ago, the two boys might've scowled and stood up to leave the intruders, but not after what happened. All Naruto could say was that he was glad to see Jack had someone to look after him after he was gone.

Not that he was any better.

"So?" Nick slid into the last seat in the circular table and forced Jack and Naruto to scoot over, "What's the big news? Why are we gathered inside?"

"Other than the horribly rainy weather outside?" Jack asked.

Nick chuckled, "Yes, other than the rainy weather."

"Didn't you hear?" Teresa leaned over the edge of the table and looked shocked at Nick, as if he had done something unspeakable. It was typical of the Chinese girl-overreacting-and Sam only rolled his eyes pointedly giving Nick the look.

Nick awkwardly laughed, his hand scratching at his chin, a habit whenever he was nervous, "So, I did miss something?"

"Obviously." Jack rolled his eyes, "What kind of friend are you to not know that Naruto was leaving Canada?'

Nick visibly flinched at the commentary and Naruto almost felt sorry for him. Jack was friendlier to others, more than before, but he still didn't trust them as easily.

"Sorry, Jack. I didn't-" Nick started, but Jack interrupted him, flustered.

"I'm just kidding Nick! Just a joke! No worries." Jack gave Nick a shy smile and Naruto had to keep himself from grinning widely, seeing his long, best friend opening up to others. Even Teresa and Sam seemed relieved with Jack's more open personality.

"Anyways," Teresa butt in, giving Naruto not even a second to input his own reply, "Like Jack said, Naruto's leaving us."

Nick blinked at Naruto, "What? Already? But-"

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