020. watered-down

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chatting with: Christian

Tell me you're not honestly dating my two-bit replacement.

what are you talking about, crazy?

You're dating the new shittier Jace.

are you honestly being petty about this right now?

It's not pettiness. It's just me wondering how your weird ass thought process works.

well, it's not exactly your business now, is it? besides, you told me a few months ago that you'd been fucking one of my close friends for most of our two year relationship so i don't think you have any room to speak on what i'm doing with my time.

I just miss you, okay? And you obviously miss me too or you wouldn't be dating what is essentially just a watered-down version of me.

god you're so full of yourself. you really think the sun shines out your ass don't you? i don't miss you, christian. and even if i did, it would be no business of yours what i do with other guys because WE'RE NOT TOGETHER. and not that it matters but dom is a better person than you could ever even dream of being.

Whose fault is it that our relationship never worked out, huh? You're the one who shied away from letting me in ever.

it doesn't matter because we were obviously never meant to be. goodbye, christian.

read; 4:26pm

Annabelle, come on.
read; 4:30pm

You can't ignore me forever.
read; 4:50pm

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