The Haunting Nightmare

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Now, I’ve always been one to get such terrible nightmares, ones that made me want to sit there and cower in fear under my blanket. They started at an early age and they only got worse the older I’d get. But there was one that made my heart stop as fear reached out and grasped a hold of my limbs, freezing me as tears trekked down my cheeks. My breath came out as short gasps as I tried to shake off the horrible memory of that nightmare. Normally, it wouldn’t take me so long to check back into reality but this seemed to be the first time I was in such a frantic hurry to forget it.

            I remembered flashes of glowing, eerie light that seemed to cause terror to stake itself into my heart. Creatures made of dirt and bugs; very similar to the creatures from a movie I enjoyed watching. The only difference was the ones from the movie didn’t scare me, but the ones from that horrendous dream did. Whenever my eyes closed- even for a second- all I would see was those monsters, that green light surrounding their forms.

            It was probably an hour after I had the night terror and even then, I was still stuck in bed. My hands seemed to be glued to my face as I wiped away the tears. At least once every minute I’d have to remind myself that everything was a dream. A horrible, heart stopping, gut wrenching dream. Everyone I knew and loved was still alive and breathing. As if to prove that, I remember glancing over to my sister. There she was, her sleeping form wrapped in the blankets on her bed. She was alive and that was proof enough that the nightmare hadn’t actually occurred.

            The trembling of my body began to relax; my heart beat began to slow down as my breathing began to calm. Slowly, ever so slowly, the dream began to leave me and I was able to push away the left over bits and pieces of the nightmare.

*This is something I did for my Creative Writing class. It's a creative non-fiction piece meaning that this actually happened. However, I did not go into great detail about the nightmare- night terror, but whatever- cause even to this day it scares me and I had this dream at least five years ago.

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