The Shack

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Karmen grabbed her lab coat and her torch. She knew that she would be out and probably wouldn't return until the next day if she was lucky. She rushed out the door almost tripping over Prentiss "Apprentice? What are you doing here this early?" She asked, honestly confused, because she wasn't expecting anyone to come around to the shack today. Everyone knew that this was her research day, and most people didn't understand her ramblings on her non research focused days so they would normally leave her alone, on these days  

"I wanted to come and see what you were up to this is research day right? I wanted to come research with you, if that's okay..." She realize she had begun rambling again and looked down apologetically. She'd been trying to stop it. Proctore made bird-like sounds at a nearby tree.

"Sure, just warning you now that it'll be a long night." Karmen shrugged as she made her way up the stairs to her room, "I will be right back with a lab coat for you." Karmen smiled as she disappeared behind a corner.  

Prentiss smiled and nodded back, not worried or afraid if that meant she got to learn more from her friend. She glanced around the room casually as well, whilst she waited.

Karmen had been upstairs for about ten minutes when Prentiss noticed a maroon book laying on the ground, split open, like it was tossed carelessly. Which piqued her interest. As much as Prentiss knew that Karmen didn't care for a lot of things, the one thing that Prentiss knew is that Karmen always took care of her books, so why was this particular one on the ground?  

Prentiss tilted her head curiously, and thought a moment if she should ask Proctore or Karmen what to do with it, but for fear that the book might already have begun getting damaged from being thrown so carelessly, she walked over quickly and deftly righted it so it wouldn't get any more broken. Just as Prentiss lifted up the book a page fluttered out and landed on the ground.

Her eyes widened heaps as she noticed and she scurried to pick it up. Then she looked at the page, wondering how it fell out in the first place.  

Five words caught Prentiss off guard 'Til death do we part' Prentiss thought that Karmen wasn't the type of person to make vows or like cliches,so what was this?  

She slowly stopped trying to fix the book and took a proper look at the page itself. Se knew it was prying, but, this was awfully strange, and She always wanted to make sure her friends were okay.  

Till death do we part

It's a matter of waysand limited daysuntil I am no moreit's hurting in my core

I wish to leave this placeEnding all the fears I facedIf I could go freeWould they come recapture me?
On this final day
I hear their words trying to swayMe to keep me in their embraceBut my life has always been a chase
If I could really be free
Why won't they let me flee?My soul is lying on the ground, completely shatteredI can feel, landing next to it; tears being splattered
16 1 18 20 A

Prentiss mouthed the words as she read them, wondering if she'd ever be able to write that well before the meaning sunk in. Then she ready the numbers at the bottom and committed them as best she could to memory  

Karmen came thumping down the staircase. "Are you ready?" She asked heading towards the door, not sparing a glance toward Prentiss  

She quickly put the page in the book and set it down carefully before coming over to Karmen. "Yes, yes I am!" She exclaimed with a smile

"Good, you know the drill" Karmen stated as she begin to list off things from her memory. "Have you eaten tonight?  Do you have a torch? How much have you had in the last 24 hours? And Are you ill or injured?" She asked casually.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2017 ⏰

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