Night Terrors?

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The night was still young as i looked out the window. I had opened it to let the cool winter breeze flow into my room and keep me cool as i slept. i watched out over the night, like a owl for a mouse, trying to find something to keep me awake, but nothing caught my eyes. not until.. 

I awoke in a cold sweat, panting. I looked around the room i was in, which definitely was not my bedroom. My pajamas were pure white along with the room. It was eerie with white walls and white tile floors but something was off. As i looked harder i noticed the spattered blood everywhere. Speckled like someone dipped a paintbrush in blood and flicked all the walls. I looked down at the grooves and noticed all the blood, slowly draining in the center of the room. It was then when the doctor appeared. He was a short old man, who  had dark brown eyes with patchy white hair in black pants and a white lab coat. His face turned to a scowl as he saw me, which was when i noticed i was covered in blood. He let out an in-human howl as he rampaged at me, calling in a few male "nurses". They were big with muscles that barely fit into the white scrubs. Their grip was so intense it gave me bruises. He then called for "the surgery". A stainless steel table was whooshed in with an additional few nurses with tools and little steel trays. I watched all of this as the men strapped me to the table. The table was colder then anything i ever felt, and i wish i knew if it were a dream or not. 

The doctor went on to talk to me as the nurses prepped me and the tools, sterilizing them. "Ah my boy, how do i put this? You are a monster" He gave me a smirked as he continued. "You are about to undergo a very ... controversial surgery. We are going to rip you apart to see what the hell is wrong with you" He cackled as he reveled in my anguish. I screamed back at him " You can't do this! I didn't hurt any one!"  He cackled even harder as he pulled out a few pictures. It showed somebody biting into a man. The other pictures varied but the them stayed the same. A person was murdering and devouring multiple people. I stared in dis belief as i howled " This isn't me!". He then pulled out the last picture and held it in front of my face. It showed me, covered in blood but not mine. I was standing over the body of an elderly lady who had obviously been tortured before having her throat ripped out. the blood was pooling at my feet as i was holding a pizza slicer and still had flesh stuck in my teeth. I just stared, feeling no emotion at all. His rage continued "See everyone? He doesn't even seem upset with the fact that he is a murderer. That he cruely tortured and murdered MY wife." He then smacked me on the head with a hammer and i was out

When i came to, i couldn't move. My whole body was frozen, as if i were ice in the winters blizzard. My limbs were strapped down and my whole body felt numb, i immediately hoped for the worst. My vision came back and i looked down just in time to gain my hearing. It was a low buzzing noise. I only caught a glimpse of myself before i stared to vomit on myself. The doctor was covered in blood and he was sawing through me. The skin on my forearms had already been removed and were hanging behind the doctor. My stomach was open and my organs had been removed, but were still attached to me, but hanging around me, drooping over my head. I saw my heart, beating slowly as all the broken ribs were arranged neatly on a steel tray next to me. The doctor had carefully torn me apart. I tried to scream but i could barely breathy. i was trapped. The doctor maliciously sawed the skin on my legs off and pulled the skin from the meat and bone. i could see my own veins pumping blood and my own bones supporting my frame. The doctor came up to my face and whispered its over now and i watched him take a pizza slicer to my exposed body.

Just then i woke up. I must of fallen asleep on the floor because i was laying just below the window,  with my body shaking from the cold and the wind blowing snow through my window. As i rose, i noticed that my pajamas had some blood on them. I immediately started freaking out till i touched my face and noticed i had a bloody nose. A soothing wave of relief fell over me as i laughed. As i was standing up, my mom burst threw my door crying. She whispered "Grandma was murdered last night" as i look outside and noticed the blood trail leading to my window. Just then i noticed it felt like i had something stuck in my teeth... 

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2012 ⏰

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