Chapter 1

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2 months after the break up

Harley's P.O.V:


I reached out and slammed my hand into the alarm clock.

"SHUT UP YOU ANNOYING CREATURE." I snarled, frustrated.

"Harley. Give it a break. It's an alarm clock. It's just doing it's job." Ivy said, yawning and stroking her plants.

"Well maybe I should fire it." It said and opened one eye, bringing out my lighter from under the pillow.

Ivy just rolled her eyes and Kitty got up.

"Oh Harls. Just get ready." She said but she can't fool me! I sense the amusement in her voice!

But I got up anyways and trudged to the bathroom.

Once we were all ready we walked out of the dorm and headed to the Cafeteria.

We walked in and sat down at our table. Misty and Bella were already there. There was enough room since Joker, Two-face, Riddler, and Scarecrow all sat together at another table now.

"Hey, guys!" Misty said and smiled at us. I grinned back.

"Hey Misty! Hey Bella!" I glanced at Bella.

"Sup." She responded and took a sip from her juice box. 

Someone came up, yawning. "what about me, huh?"

"Oh. Don't worry. We didn't forget about you, Hailey."

Yes. Hailey. We met her when Kitty, Ivy, and I went to see Misty and Bella at their dorm. Hailey was their roommate.

And yes, I know she was the one with Joker. It's okay though. She didn't know. When she found out who I was she explained everything to me. I forgave her, even though there was really nothing to forgive.

Hailey sat down next to Bella and Kitty. I seated myself next to Ivy and Misty. Misty turned to Bella who was on the other side of her and they started up a conversation.

"So. You blew up the chemistry lab?" Misty asked.

Bella shrugged. "It was an accident. How was I supposed to know to not put potassium in H2O?"

"Oh I don't know. Maybe on the label where it said, 'do not put in H2O, results will end in explosion?" Misty raised an eye brow at her friends.

"Oh. Didn't see that." Bella went back to her juice.

"Uh-huh. Of course you didn't." Hailey added, rolling her eyes playfully.

"Wait. It was you who blew up the chemistry lab?" I asked, impressed. "Cool!" in the back of my mind I thought, 'I would've thought it was Joker.' but I waved it off.

"Whatever." Bella looked away.

The bell rung. Time for class.

"Well. See ya guys! I have to get to class!" I had class with Hailey. I grabbed her arm and dragged her to class.

"Woah! Okay. I didn't know a villain would ever be desperate to get to class." Hailey said.

"Haha. Well. I'm not excited for learning. I just can't wait to mess around with Ms. Andrea." I giggled. Hailey smirked.

We walked into class and sat down at the back. We talked quietly until the teacher came in. I opened my mouth to say something.

But then he walked in right behind her.

My eyes widened. B-but.... When we broke up... He.... He moved all his classes so they didn't match mine...

So what was Joker doing here?!

Hope you guys liked the 1st chapter! ♥

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2017 ⏰

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