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I yawn as I sit up from my warm bed. I look around my room and blind my eyes from the light pouring through the windows,

"Y/NNN" My mother called

I mumbled something incoherent as I stand up and make my way into the kitchen.

"It came!" My mum screamed, wrapping her arms around me for a hug,

"What did?"

"Your Hogwarts letter!" she replied, handing me a letter. I took it out of her hands and ripped it open to read that I had been accepted! I squealed in excitement, "Oh I must go and write to Ron" I responded, and ran back up to my room to write to my very best friend.

Dear Ron,

My Hogwarts letter arrived! Can you believe it!

Did yours come yet? What houses do you think we'll be in? Oh I'm just so excited.

Anyways, we should meet up in Diagon Alley to shop for our school supplies together!

Well I must get back downstairs for breakfast.


I signed the letter and sealed it in an envelope, "Terrence!" I call to my owl "Take this to Ron please" I smile and send my owl off to deliver my letter.

I walk back downstairs to see my older brother and my father now at the dining table,

"Josh, I got my letter!" I said excitedly, Josh was going to be a 6th year wizard this year 

"As did I, now sit down and eat" He said playfully 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah" I said back "Oh and mom, can I go school shopping with Ron?" 

"Oh of course, and I would love to see Mrs. Weasley again soon, I'll write her and figure out a date"

"Thanks" I replied, shoveling pancakes down my throat "What house do you think I'll be in?" 

"Well seeing as everyone in this family has been a Hufflepuff..." My father laughed

"Hmm" I thought out loud "I don't know"

"Well we'll find out soon then, won't we" My mother added with a smile

" I think she's a squib" My brother said, earning a punch in the shoulder from me.


"Ron!" I said excitedly while running up to him and engulfing him in a hug

"Ah young love" The twins said at the same time

"Ew" We both said pulling away from each other

"That's enough boys" Mrs. Weasley scolded "Y/N, it's nice to see you again" She added sweetly, giving me a bone crushing hug

"Likewise" I smiled

"Well Mrs. Weasley and I are going to buy your books, you and Ron can go and get your wands" My mother smiled, dropping a few galleons into my hand and walking away to Flourish and Blotts,

"I'm so excited" I said for what had to be the millionth time

"Me too" Ron responded "What house do you wanna get into?"

"Well Gryffindor is really cool, but my whole family are Hufflepuffs so it's probably not likely" I replied 

"Right, but you never know" He said back "Look we're here!"

We walked into the interesting looking shop, there were wands covering every wall, it was truly magical,

"Ah another Weasley"

That Gryffindor Boy { Neville Longbottom x Reader }Where stories live. Discover now