Shall change later

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"Get the hell off the stage! We wanna hear Skillet!" Someone said. I laughed. My heart was pounding out of my chest. I was literally dancing around waiting in anticipation. I was standing in the mud for nearly five hours, my clothes damp from the rainy day we had been getting. My feet were caked in dry mud, and everywhere I stepped I would feel the squish of the wet grass. Ew. But I guess I didn't mind that much. After all, I was standing close to the side of the catwalk jetting out of the stage. Perfect spot. Many tall people were crowded around me waiting for the same thing I was waiting for. What was taking so long? I was sure they were going to be performing by now, but I guess they wanted to build suspense. Sometimes a random guy would start going "Skillet! Skillet!" And we would join in for a few seconds. The black tarp that had the band name on it was hanging in front of the stage, so we couldn't see what was going on behind it. I was barely paying attention to the people that were up there at the moment talking. My mind kept wandering to the fantasy of how the show was going to be. It was almost unimaginable. I was right. Soon the man on the stage said, "Get ready to hear Skillet!" The tall people cheered. I, with them. "I'm gonna die." I said under my breath. The lights dimmed down. The spotlight fell upon two men with long hair, white suits and a mask covering half their face. They came onstage playing classical instruments. I wasn't exactly sure what they were playing. I soon recognized the song and started singing along, like many around me did. Then, the curtain came down.

Did I screech my head off when I saw John Cooper standing on the stage singing Whispers in the Dark? Maybe a little. Or a lot. The crowd was loud before, but this was an insane loud. Arms went up with cameras to take pictures. I instantly forgot how gross, icky, and painful my feet felt. My ears pounded from the deafening sound. Even the ground vibrated from it. Everyone was singing the lyrics, while I was yelling them. Each time John sang the chorus, fire flared up from behind the pretty, blonde, twenty-one year old drummer, Jen Ledger. "No!" Flame. "You'll never be alone!" Flame. "When darkness comes I'll light the night with stars, hear the whispers in the dark!" Flame. Scream. I could feel the heat warm my cheeks, and I smiled. I decided right there I was going to attempt to lose my voice after this night. The song ended. We cheered. I heard the music play again, and I recognized the sound of Better Than Drugs...

The spotlight focused on Korey in her white dress with black lace sleeves and tights. She was playing her keyboard, singing into the microphone, which purposely distorted her voice to an alien-like sound. "I don't wanna live, unless I feel you next to me. You take the pain. Waking up to you never felt so real, waking up to you never felt so real, waking up to you never felt so real. So real. I don't wanna live I don't wanna breathe unless I feel you next to me, I don't wanna live I don't wanna breathe unless I feel you next to me you take. The. Pain away, you take... the pain..." The violin and cello started playing. People screamed. The band joined in, and light flashed really bright. The introduction was longer than I expected. John started singing the words to Comatose. The flashing stopped and the spotlights turned blue. "I hate feeling like this, I'm so tired of trying to fight this. I'm asleep and all I dream of..." He pointed the mic towards the crowd and we completed the line. "Is waking to you!"

John walked up to the end of the catwalk and traded his red bass guitar for an acoustic guitar. The violinist and the guy playing the cello followed behind him. I turned my head to see them. "I see you standing there, and you're so far away." We sang along with John to Yours To Hold right up till after the first chorus. "Give it up for Miss Jen Ledger coming down here." I heard a girl singing, "I see you walking by, your hair always hiding your face." I looked behind me and saw a young girl in a long, fancy white shirt, black skinny jeans, boots, and belt coming up the catwalk singing the second verse. Jen Ledger was singing a duet with John! I remember a random guy saying, "Marry me Jen Ledger!" I laughed.

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