One day I found this sweet loveable guy. He 17 years old he has green eyes and brown hair his height is 6"1. He kind loveable sweet amazing handsome and makes people happy. He love his family and being around his sister. But one day we started talking awhile and we got to know each other more and more each and every day till one day we ended up falling in love. That day was amazing I started crying because I was so happy. Till that day on he never gave up trying he fight till the battle of the day was over. He wouldn't ever let anybody go to bed unhappy or upset so that falling night this one beautiful young lady walks into a bookstore looking for new books to learn more and get information she was 17 blue eyes and brown hair height was 5'6. She wanted a book about history but she couldn't reach the shelf so this young gentleman that's the same age came over and help her. When he got the book down for her he looks in her eyes and she looks into his eyes and then stuff got interesting but not to interesting just yet. They started holding hands and looking in both of there eyes knowing there falling in love so the next day they ran into each other the day at a different place this time it's was a coffee shop and he invited her over to share a table with him. They started talking and getting to know each other and he ask if he could take her out to a nice restaurant and the young lady said yes sir I would love that. They got to the restaurant the young gentleman open the car door for the young then they got into the restaurant he didn't sit down or anything just yet he pulled her chair out for her and ask if he can do anything else for she said not at the moment. He sat down next to her and ask what would she want to eat she has to be careful what's she eats because she lactose and intolerance but that didn't stop her night being with him. He got streaks with a small bowl of salad with ranch dressing and she got the same thing as he did but the falling night he went to her house for a couple drinks but not to much they wanted to stay with each to spend even more time with each so they went to bedroom and they started having little fun. The next few days went by and he ask her out. They spent so much time they where so happy with each other they never fight but have a few small disagreements but that's it and they work things out so 9 months came along and he ask to marry her. When he ask her to marry her she said yes and they hug and kiss each other. After a year went by after the marriage they started having sex and they been talking about having kids so one day it finally happen she took a pregnancy test and she found out she was pregnant so she went to the doctors till they found out what they was having and they found out they are having twins of two handsome baby's boys. They found out what her due date and stuff it was April 20,2018 they didn't know how to tell there parents there having twins. They was so scared to tell them because there was only 17 years old so they found a date and they got his and get family together and told them we are having twins of two amazing baby boy they told them the due date and stuff the due date came along the twins was healthy and kicking her stomach had to rush to the hospital because she was almost ready to give birth he was helping her breath to keep her calm they were born 1:30 and 1:31 in the morning there was two healthy handsome laying on her chest after she gave labor to two beautiful twins the doctor put the twins on her chest they had to clean them up and weight them both to make sure there healthy and they both was very healthy. The few days past they came home from the hospital because they didn't let anybody in but the husband everybody was at her house with baby stuff and welcome home and everything set up they got busy and didn't have the money for a baby shower so they did a surprise baby shower without them to surprise them she had a list what they needed and the family came together and got everything for her. Months came along the two baby twins wasn't infant anymore they were 1 1/2 year old they started taking baby steps and after a few years happy they were 4 years old baby footstep was so over the house but that was ok bc we rasie a beautiful family.