*~Bitter Encounter~*

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The lush, green land spread as far as the human eye could see, Standing in the open valley of these lush lands was a small kingdom. Atop stood the mighty Hyuuga clan and all its glory, Their heir was a young princess named (Y/N) Hyuuga.

A rival clan that was as wealthy as the famed Hyuuga clan was the powerful Uchiha clan, The clan everyone came to fear.

While days were peaceful and prosperous for the Hyuuga clan, the ending of wars was close at hand for this large kingdom. But peace could not be obtained without some kind of sacrifice.


"(Y/N), Your father has requested your presences." a lonely old woman's voice spoke from the distance of the large room, "Very well." You spoke gracefully, understanding her but your eyes were fixated on the wide open garden that filled the grounds outside of your room that was locked away. Sighing you lifted your curvy body from the cushion that held your comfort, Your agile fingers gently maneuvered across the sleek glass leaving behind streaks that fit your fingers perfectly.

Your body didn't want to move yet alone walk, You hated your 'talks' with your father. Nothing was ever for your benefit when it came to your father but you expected and accepted this as it was your duty to obey your father no matter your personal feelings.

Making your way to your father's study the only sounds that could be heard throughout the corridors was the soft clinks of your Zori's, "Tap, tap, tap." echoed throughout the hollow halls. Upon coming to the door that shielded your father away from the world, Taking a small breath you straightened up your posture before your agile fingers gently knocked on the dark wooden door.

"You may enter." A husky voice muffled out from behind the door, The door creaked as you opened it, Finding your father standing tall while turned around with his back towards you "You summoned me, Father." Your soft petite voice sounded while making your way to the small desk your father stood behind.

Stiff and suffocating silence filled the room as tension grew with every passing second "You are to marry the eldest son of the current Uchiha leader." Those words broke the ever long silence.

In shock, the words your father had spoken didn't sink in right away but when they did anger boiled within. "Father! You raised me to uphold the Hyuuga tradition, I am to marry the noblest of our clan. Not some damn outside that knows nothing of this land!" Raising your voice you clutched your Kimono tightly.

"You've been secluded from the outside world, the wars, the conflict, the death for 16 years. I don't expect you to know of such a clan but you've come of age and you must accept that not everything will be as you would like and it never will be therefore we must do what needs to be done for our clan." Your father spoke with such a calm and uncaring voice, You were in utter disbelief that your face remained emotionless for what seemed like the longest time.

"Marriage of an outside is what's best for our clan? Crossbreeding between two different clan's is utterly unheard of!" Anger ravaged your once soft voice, Still standing your ground you refused to accept this even if you are to obey your father.

Making his way towards you, he raised his hand laying a firm slap across your (S/C) skin leaving behind a mark on your cheek. A gasp escaped your lips while a burning sensation spread across your cheek like wild fire "I will not stand for this kind of ludicrous behavior from my own daughter! You will grow to accept this and eventually love it, This conversation is over, you may now take your leave." His cold tone left no room for second thoughts.

Bowing you shifted your way towards the door, not hesitating to turn the door knob as quickly as you were able leaving the room in utter silence at the same time your pace was quick and unbalanced. While quick steps lead you to your destination with uneven breaths and brutal heart beats your feet finally gave way letting you fall to the ground with grace, Soft grass that was kissed by the dew of early morning broke your fall.

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