The sharp knife of loneliness

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Cold..Darkness..Nothing..I'm nothing..Pain..So much of it..Bleeding wrists..But still no tears..Still empty..Nothing but emptiness..


I woke up in a hospital, bandages on my wrists.I know Jack didn't call 911, he doesn't care..I looked up and saw a small boy standing there.."W-Who..?"I croaked out.He looked up at me quickly.My heart seemed to jump as he looked me in the eyes with a look of concern."O-Oh..I-I'm S-Samm."He said, shyly rubbing his arm.I looked back down."Just another of Jack's fuck buddies.."I felt something rolling down my cheek.."I-I didn't know he h-had a boyfriend, I-I'm sor-"He was cut off by a gasp escaping his lips.I was..crying..I felt so much pain..He rushed over to me.He touched my arm and I felt my skin tingle in the nicest way."A-Are you okay?!"He asked in a concerned tone.I looked up at his face and felt mine heat up.He wiped away my tears and giggled."Are you..blushing?"He asked."N-No!"I said, looking away."A-Anyway..How'd I get here?"I asked."I heard a loud thump when I entered the house, I rushed in to look and saw you.."He looked away, I could tell he felt bad."It's okay..I know Jack has a way with words..""Yeah...Well..I should get going, visiting hours are almost over..I'll visit you later,b-bye."He said as he exited the room.My heart..I could feel it beat..And I could move my arms..The nurse came in to change my bandages and gasped..The wounds were gone and it had only been a day..I'm definitely gonna talk to that boy again.

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