Chapter 1 - After the Accident

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This is "In a Heartbeat" - Animated Short Film. This video was created by amazing two people named
Beth David & Estaban Bravo.
Here's the video of "In a Heartbeat".

Sherwin went to his classroom. Which means Jonathan is the same class as Sherwin did. Sherwin was really embarrass that what happen yesterday. He was still remember that he still have a bad memory with Jonathan. Sherwin says "I can see his face that he was about to cry. I can't believe what I just did to him and embarrass him too". (Sherwin starts to cry)
Sherwin: "Everything is going to be fine. I need to stay strong. I promise that I won't embarrass him ever again".
(Sherwin saw Jonathan walking to Sherwin's classroom as he hiding from Jonathan. Sherwin hiding under his table.)
Sherwin: "THAT'S HIM! OH NO WHAT DO I DO!?". (Sherwin freaking out)
Sherwin: should i apologise to him what happen yesterday?
(Sherwin remember that Jonathan put back together his heart.)
Sherwin: no, i don't think that i need to apologise to him. Maybe he confused about...
(Jonathan found Sherwin under Sherwin's table.)
Jonathan: Confused about what?
Sherwin: AH! oh hey..... uh...... what's your name again?
Jonathan: It's Jonathan. Again. Why are you hiding under your table?
(In Sherwin's mind his freaking out but In the outside he totally calm him self.)
Jonathan: Are you hiding from me?
(Sherwin started to freaking out & his heart is beating so fast.)
Jonathan: uhhh... Sherwin? Are you okay? You're sweating right now. Your heart is beating so fast! (Jonathan was really shock.)
Sherwin: I'll be fine! Don't worry about me.......
(Sherwin's heart came out.)
(Jonathan was surprised after Sherwin's heart came out.)
(Sherwin's heart name Shirley.)
Sherwin: SHIRLEY!
Shirley: Hi Sherwin!
Jonathan: So your heart name is Shirley? (Ask Sherwin.)
Jonathan: That's a cute name. (Jonathan smiles at Sherwin.)
Shirley: I never heard Jonathan say that to me! HE SAID MY NAME IS CUTE!!!
Sherwin: Shirley, stop acting like crazy. People watching us right now.(Sherwin whisper to Shirley.)
Jonathan: Yes you are Shirley.
(Shirley take a deep breath and say.)
Shirley: he just say my name. (Shirley fainted.)
Sherwin: Oh my God! Shirley are you okay?
Jonathan: I think he just fainted. Is he going to be okay Sherwin?
Sherwin: I don't know. Let me speak to Him. Hey Shirley, are you okay?
(Shirley opened his eyes slowly.)
Shirley: I am totally fine Sherwin. I am totally fin.... (Shirley fainted again.)
Jonathan: You know what, let Shirley takes his rest for a while. I guess I can carried him since his really kinda cute. Like you Sherwin.
(Sherwin started to Blush.)
Sherwin: Jonathan I never heard you say that to me before. And thank you for saying that I'm...cute Jonathan.
(The School bells ringing.)
Teacher: Okay class. Get back to your sit and let's learned about maths.


(2 Hours Later)
Teacher: Okay Class, Don't forget to do your Homework & return it after holiday. That's everything, you may take your break. Class Dismissed.

(Shirley Open his eyes slowly.)
Jonathan: OH Shirley, you're awake. Are you okay? How you're doing?
Feelin Good?
Shirley: Yeah, I'm feelin dizzy a little bit.
Sherwin: That's what you get for being too much fan-boying.
Shirley: I've learn my lesson for now.
Sherwin: What are you laughing at?
Jonathan: Both of you are really funny & cute at the same time.
(Sherwin & Shirley started to blush.)
Sherwin & Shirley: Thanks.
(Jonathan Smiles at Both of them.)
Jonathan: Oh Sherwin, do you wanted to go to canteen to get some lunch?
Sherwin: Okay, that's a great idea. Shirley, you wanted to join us?
Shirley: No, I don't wanna to ruined your date with Jonathan. I MEAN YOUR LUNCH TIME WITH JONATHAN.
(Sherwin's face turning red.)
Sherwin: SHIRLEY!
(Jonathan starts to blush.)
Jonathan: Uhh...
Sherwin: Jonathan!, I'm really sorry! Please forgive me! Shirley actually can't stop fan-boying! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!
Jonathan: Sherwin, it's okay. It's okay that Shirley being fan-boying too much. I don't mind.
(Sherwin Surprise)
Sherwin: Jonathan......
Sherwin: Well than, okay i guess.
Shirley: Hehe... we're cool right?
Sherwin: Yeah. We're cool. Don't do that again. Okay Shirley?
Shirley: Okay.
Jonathan: Now come on! Let's go Sherwin!
Sherwin: Okay!
Sherwin: Shirley, are you sure you're not coming with us?
Shirley: I'm 100% Sure. NOW GO! His waiting for you Sherwin.
Jonathan: Sherwin! Are you coming or not?
Sherwin: COMING! Bye Shirley.
Shirley: Bye Sherwin.


Sherwin & Jonathan went to canteen together. Jonathan try to hold Sherwin's hand. Sherwin look down & saw Jonathan try to hold his hand. This what happens next.

Sherwin: Uhh... Jonathan. Are try to hold my hand?
(Jonathan's face turning red & starts to blush.)
Jonathan: Yes... Sherwin, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to...
Sherwin: Hey, it's okay Jonathan. It's okay.
(Jonathan Smiles & ask.)
Jonathan: Thank you. May I hold your hand again Sherwin?
(Sherwin hands are shaking & say.)
Sherwin: Yes, You have my permission to hold my hand Jonathan.
(Sherwin starts to blush.)
(Jonathan hands are shaking.)
Jonathan is afraid to hold Sherwin's hand but he managed to hold Sherwin's hand.
(Jonathan said.)
Jonathan: Thank You Sherwin.
(Sherwin replied.)
Sherwin: You're welcome Jonathan.

Both of them countiued to walk together to go to canteen. When both of them arrive at canteen, Sherwin & Jonathan go ahead & grab some foods to eat. Sherwin & Jonathan wait on the line for about 5 or 10 minutes. Now they're finally can get some foods to eat. But, when there was a mean girl student named "Patricia". She's actually fall in love with Jonathan. But one thing she didn't like to talk with is Sherwin. Sherwin didn't even like her. Because SHE'S A REALLY MEAN GIRL.
This is what happens next.

Patricia: Hi Jonathan my handsome boyfriend.
Jonathan: *My handsome boyfriend? Seriously?*
Jonathan: Oh hey, what are you doing here?
Sherwin: YEAH! What are you doing here?! Try to make out with my best friend!?
Patricia: YOU AGAIN! I don't like you Sherwin. Oh and you wanna know why, cuz I hate you Sherwin, listen very closely, BECAUSE YOU'RE GAY!!!!!

All of the students in canteen were Laughing at Sherwin. Sherwin was really embarrass about this. He starts to cry & left right away before it gets more worst about this. Jonathan was Shock & mad at Patricia.

Patricia: Jonathan I...
(Patricia hold Jonathan's hand & He slapped Patricia's face.)
Patricia: OW!!!

Jonathan left right away to say sorry about "Patricia". Patricia cry after Jonathan slapped her face off. Sherwin burst the entrance door & running towards the tree where he was after Sherwin broke his own heart. Shirley was only floating all around Sherwin & Jonathan classroom. When Shirley saw Jonathan running on the hallway, Shirley says.

Shirley: What is going on? Did Jonathan being mean to Sherwin? I hope it's not but if it, I would totally cry right now.

Shirley followed Jonathan that Shirley wanna know what is going on with Sherwin & Jonathan. Shirley talk to Jonathan about what is going on with Sherwin.

Shirley: What is wrong with Sherwin?
Jonathan: Patricia being so mean to Sherwin.
Shirley: WHAT!? How could this happen!?
Jonathan: I'll explain it later but for now, Let's try to find Sherwin.

Jonathan burst the entrance door. Sherwin hear something. He saw Jonathan try to search for Sherwin. Sherwin stay quite! Jonathan saw Sherwin that he hiding behind the tree and sitting on the grass. Jonathan was walking really slowly. Sherwin look at Jonathan. Jonathan sit down behind the tree and sitting on the grass to have a conversation about Patricia. Jonathan says.

Jonathan: Hey Sherwin.
Sherwin: What do you want from me Jonathan? Did I do something wrong?
Jonathan: NO!, you're not. But I know Patricia being so mean to you Sherwin. I'm really sorry. Please forgive me Sherwin.
Sherwin: Jonathan, it's not your fault. It's Patricia. She's the one who starts this fight.
Jonathan: Yeah I know but, I'm so sorry about Patricia. She's always like that.
Sherwin: it's okay. Well since we're here, what should we do now?

Jonathan hug Sherwin really tightly & Jonathan kissed Sherwin on the mouth. Now that's I called it is Relationship Goals kids.

So I hope you guys enjoy my Fanfiction Book called "In a Heartbeat" - Love Between Us of Chapter 1. Don't worry, there's going to be more about "In a Heartbeat" - Love Between Us!!! I just need an awesome idea. So I can decided to make more Fanfiction Book about this just for you. And yeah, That's about it. Thank You so much for reading my Fanfiction Book. I mean it alot.

Stay Strong. 💪
Love me. 💚

Word Count: 1502
Written by: Kas

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