About Boston:
Boston is a short boy with glacier blue eyes. He has strawberry blonde hair, freckles and a sleek boyish physique. He is fifteen years old and 5 foot six. (taller than jelly) He is a sweet boy from Swartz Creek, Michigan. He is very selfless and spontaneous. He is also artsy and physically toned.
He is the type of boy that you would go to for advice but also have to comfort at times. He is quick witted and advanced for his grade. He is always there for his friends, but will get himself hurt in the process.
About Jaxon:
Jaxon is a tall boy with greenish hazel eyes. He has brown hair, smooth skin, no freckles and a slim but chiseled manly physique. He is sixteen years old and 6 foot tall.(four inches shorter than Grant) He is a sporty but conserved boy from Grand Blanc Michigan that moved to Swartz Creek. He is musical and pretty buff. He may be sporty, but he doesn't have many friends. He is very nice though.
He is the kind of guy that is very conserved but he will defend the friends that he has at all costs. He is kind of shy at first, but he is funny and sweet when you get to know him. you couldn't ask for a better friend when you are hurt.
These two boys will go through an amazing journey, but they will need help through their struggles.
You Were The Answer
Novela JuvenilBoston is a gay teenage boy that is still in the closet. He is just starting to explore the life he could lead when he is thrown into his coming out and struggles after. With everything ending up like they are, who can help him. Who will be the answ...