Love Conquers All

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A/N: Hey guys. I know it's been a year since I've been on here! I'm still as obsessed with Haleb and I actually have a account called dreamer241 and I decided to post one of my stories from there on here! I'm going to do a sequel to "Coming Back to Me" and I'm going to carry on with "Million Dollar Girl" aswell. I have gotten better at writing in the past year and I hope you enjoy this lil oneshot based around 6x20 and the Haleb flashback! Enjoy.

As Hanna sat in the cramped cab stuck in the middle of the New York traffic, the rain pelting on the windows as the miserable and glum evening affected her mood further, she stared out of the window long enough to faintly see another cab next to her with a happy couple exchanging warm embraces and small kisses and the dull ache that circulated her whole body was getting harder and harder to ignore. She wanted to be back in the apartment, with Caleb, where she belonged. Their argument just one hour earlier had really struck Hanna's mind. At first she thought that they would just work it out, like always, but now as time progressed and the five times she called him and got no response, made her already gut wrenching feeling become more powerful and it was all she could to just try his phone one last time.

Dialling his number almost desperately, she waited for the expected rings and prayed to god that he would pick up. She always felt so uneasy when he didn't answer her, but she knew she could only blame herself. It was only on the second ring that the call cut off and Hanna honestly didn't know if he was blatantly ignoring her anymore or if he decided to turn his phone off to avoid her and everything that had taken place between them.

"Answer your damn phone," She muttered to no one but herself. Looking at her phone background, a picture of her and Caleb kissing on a boat in front of the Statue of Liberty, her bottom lip began to quiver as Hanna realised she was still sat inside of the stupid cab and she felt almost reluctant to move at the thought of Caleb sticking by his word and leaving her. "I have to get out of here," She pleaded, finally plucking up the courage to tell the driver she was getting the hell out of there and racing back to the apartment as fast as her five inch heels would carry her.

As soon as Hanna stepped out of the cab the piercing cold immediately hit her as she felt droplets of rain land on the top of her exposed foot. She tried covering herself as best as she could with her stylish light brown coat and began walking at a fast pace in the direction of her apartment. As soon as she passed an Italian restaurant that Hanna and Caleb were frequents at, she decided to sprint the last mile. She was so panic-stricken that Caleb would leave, no – she was absolutely petrified actually. She never wanted to let go of her sweet, protective, handsome Caleb.

Hanna was endlessly squinting her eyes to the left of her at all of the immovable vehicles jammed ad crammed together in the hideous Friday night traffic. She kept inching closer to the road, peering into the windows of each car, just checking that Caleb wasn't inside any of them. She just needed that little bit extra reassurance right now, even if it meant she was utterly freezing and that her cashmere coat was becoming increasingly heavy from the pouring rain and her perfectly contoured makeup mixed with the tears made her look like the joker. Hanna kept running and running and it felt like time was slowing down, everything around her was spinning, the tears blurring out her vision, but what brought her back to reality was the sound of her three hundred dollar heels snapping as her right heel buckled to the ground.

"Miss, are you okay?" An older man asked as he grabbed her upper arm to lift her from the cold, wet, dampened concrete. As soon as Hanna was up on her feet again, her hands clutching her broken footwear, she didn't bother to answer the guy. She just carried on her nightmarish trek to convince the man she loved that she was just as irrevocably in love with him as he was with her. After what seemed like an eternity, Hanna was able to see the colossal building that she called home. Along with Caleb too, of course.

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