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Cold. That was the first thing he felt when he awoke. He opened his eyes to bright, blinding white light. As his eyes adjusted, he could see that he was in a train station identical to King's Cross, but it was empty. No wizards or muggles crowded near the edge, awaiting the train he somehow knew would come. He looked down at himself and frowned. He was stark naked. He had no clothes, and his hands were empty save the pearly white train ticket he held in his hand. The smile slowly slid from his face, and for a moment, he couldn't remember why it was there.

Then, as the shrill sound of a train whistle pierced the still air, he began to remember. He remembered the battle, the broken castle, the Death Eaters, the voice of Voldemort penetrating the school grounds, Percy's confession, a jet of light, and George. He remembered his brother, still locked in combat down the hall. He spun around, searching for his closest brother and his best friend. He saw no one. He was alone. As cold and alone as his brother must be. He unconsciously crumpled his ticket in his fist as one thought prevailed over the others that were swirling around in his brain. He must find his brother. Only, he didn't know where his brother was.

He picked a direction and started walking, hoping that he would at least find out where he was. However, no matter how far in either direction he went, the station never ended. He passed countless benches, but there was no end in sight. Defeated, he sat down on a bench. A tear leaked out of the corner of his eye as the truth slowly began to sink in. He couldn't escape, and his brother wasn't here.

Not wanting to wallow in misery just yet, he curiously flattened it out and read it. There was no destination, nor was there a place of departure. The place where it would have the time of departure simple read 'soon'. The only other information that was on the paper was his name; Fred Weasley, and the words 'ONE WAY'. Wherever Fred was headed, the would be no returning.

Fred felt like he wanted to break something. He didn't want to go wherever the train was supposed to take him. He wanted to stay here and wait for George. He reached for his wand to incinerate the nearby benches before realising he didn't have it.
"Fuck," he whispered into the empty station. Then again, as he slowly built up into a scream.


He fired another Impediment jinx at the masked Death Eater in front of him, and watched as the Death Eater keeled over motionless . He turned and ducked as a jet of green light flew past his head, and the empty space where his ear used to be. George made his way along the wall, crouched low and stunning Death Eaters. He saw a large, blond one bear down upon his sister out of the corner of his eye. Concerned that she was out of the Room of Requirement, and fighting Death Eaters, George turned to help. However, Ginny was holding her own. She hit him with a confident petrificus totalus before firing one of her famous bat bogey hexes at his face. She glanced up and smiled at George before running off down the corridor.

"Get back in your room!" he bellowed after her. She ignored him.
Irritated at her stubbornness, but nonetheless proud of her, George was about to head off to help other battling Order members, before he froze in the middle of the corridor. Something was wrong. Something was horribly wrong. George's heart stopped beating for a minute, and he felt a terrible gut wrenching sensation that took the wind out of his system. He leaned against the wall. Whatever had happened, George knew it had to do with his brother.

George saw a Death Eater fleeing down the corridor towards him, followed by several more. Weakly, George stunned one as he came past, and caused several more to trip over the fallen Death Eater. However, more came running down the corridor. George ducked behind a tapestry until they passed. He wasn't normally cowardly, but he wanted to reach Fred. George  knew his brother was only a few feet away, down the corridor, supposedly fighting Death Eaters with Percy.

Percy was a different story.  George didn't know how to feel about Percy. His older brother had practically disowned his family in search of a high ministry position. Even when he'd been at Hogwarts, Percy had sought out attention and high positions such as prefect and Head Boy. And then he had bragged about them. Way too much. Percy was an egotistical and power hungry maniac, but he'd admitted his mistakes. Finally.

A loud blast shook the castle and jolted George back to the present. He ran up the corridor, dodging falling objects.

Then, George skidded to a halt and dropped to his knees, staring at the scene in front of him. A wall had partially collapsed, and debris littered the hallway. Ron and Percy were huddled around a body on the floor while Harry and Hermione looked on with solemn faces.
George felt tears spring into his eyes as he looked down at the familiar face. Freckled cheeks, curly red hair, and a smile he knew as well as his own. The truth hit him like a sack of potatoes.

As Percy roared something and took off down another corridor, George grasped his brother's still hand and hot tears spilled down his cheeks. The others propped Fred's body in an empty inch to protect him, then departed. George  stayed by his brothers body, hiding from the rest of the world, hiding from the truth. Fred still had a smile etched onto his face and George was glad he'd been smiling in his last few moments.

George sagged against the wall and hugged his brothers body close. It felt like his world was ending, and a wave of grief crashed over him. Half of his spirit was gone with his brother, leaving George battered, broken and miserable. Fred was dead. And George was scared and alone.

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