The new us (creepy pasta story)

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Tonight is the night of my coronation.Today I become like my mother and father. If you met me you would think I'd have a rather unusual family. My father Eyeless Jack, mother Eyeless Jill. Thats right I was born a pasta. Anywho, basically during my coronation I have my eyes gouged out, I get the family disease, and I have my first public massacre. I know I know, what hell kind of a pasta never kills until there 14? Whatever, but today is my last day to soak up what I can. I want to remember. Remember what everything and everyone looks like. This is the day I become eyeless. And I am not going eyeless without taking a couple last looks at everything I can. Its raining outside, I think I'll wait for it to pass by. Walking over to the mirror I take one last look at my self. I stare into the glass, looking back at me was a 14 year old girl with Long wavy light brown hair that stops in a V shape to the middle of my back, light green eyes, faded pink cheeks, natural red lips. Wearing, dark blue jeans, A Day to Remember band T-shirt, navy blue high top chicks, and hanging around my waist is the signature mask. Eyeless Jack has one Eyeless Jill has one. But mines does not have black goo dripping down, mine is clean. Only because I'm not eyeless. "Vaxin you nervous?" I hear a warm pleasing voice behind me. Its Masky. "Ready as I'll ever be." I reply."I know how hard it is to live like this. Not having a story to impress people with, being young, having to hide your face all the time, and killing." I'm shocked at how right he is. "But this is the day I kill. This is the day my father is proud of me for once." His hand touches my shoulder. "He is proud of you. Who wouldn't be?" "I wouldn't be. I haven't even killed yet." He frowns from behind his mask. "Do you want to kill? Or is it just to make you dad proud of you?" I think before replying. "No I want to kill. Not for anyone. I want to know how it feels. I want to have my own signature kill like everyone else does. Tonight is the night I become Eyeless Vaxin." Masky looked down at me. "But is that what you want?" I always had a huge crush on Masky. He was so charming and nice to me.There are a lot of people there for me, Masky, my father, my mother, but the one always there is my best friend BEN. I think the part I'll miss most from being blind is I'll never get to actually see anyone again. "Of course its what I want. I'll actually have a purpose to being a pasta." His gaze brakes. Guilt cuts into my skin, opening my veins. "Okay. But you know you have a choice. We didn't but you do." For some reason anger builds up. Who does he think he is to tell me I have a choice, everyone knows I don't. "Masky you know thats not true. You should know why I chose this."

2 Juliet Viperess

A light breeze pierced through my skin. I skipped from rock to rock across a small stream. Thunderclouds were gathering before me, allowing little peeks of sun to shine through. The wind swept through my long brown hair, caring the smell of pine with it. It was early in the morning and I was making my way home from walking through the forest like I usually do in the mornings. It started to drizzle and cold drops of rain ran down my cheeks. I approached my back door and tried to open it as quietly as possible. "Juliet is that you honey? Would you come help me with your sister?" I walked into the kitchen to see my mother cooking and my little sister Haley playing with her waffle spreading syrup all over herself. I wiped her up and took her out of her seat.My mom put a plate in front of me. I took a piece of bacon from it and went up to my room. I turned on my sterio and opened my curtains. Best of me by A Day To Remember played. I stared at my window and counted each rain drop that tapped on it, trying to listen to the beat of both the song and rain drops. I found myself starting to blackout, whenever I tried to concentrate on something, dizziness would overcome me and everything would go into small details. Music would become louder,hidden objects would stand out, my heart rate would become faster and finally I would feel weightless. I am now 14 years old and this has been going on ever since I could remember, but it seemed to be getting worse as I aged. A large crack of thunder followed by a streaming trail a lightning snapped me out of it. I fell to my knees and cradled my head in my hands. After a few seconds my head relieved of its pain so I stood up and walked to my bed. I felt so tired after that I had to lay down.I laid my head down in the pillow and tried to come up with a way to make this stop. Tomorrow I have to return to school and I can't black out there, everyone would make fun of me they will ask me if I took my medication. I don't need medication! It happened again, I was thinking way too hard about what would happen at school that I was blacking out.I could of stopped it but this time I didn't want to. I wanted to black out and if i'm lucky, never wake up. But something was different,my head didn't hurt,every detail was noticeable but I felt fine. My eyes focused on my window, watching every little drop take its place and slide down over and over and over again.I blinked and a loud shatter took place in my room, it didnt bother me though I just laid upon my bed with my eyes sill close. I was startled when my mom burst into my room and screamed.My window was now in little peices all over my room and me. ​

3 Vaxin

8 hours till coronation. What a long day this will turn out to be. I suddenly feel sleepy, woozy. I feel numb and limp. I climb over to my bed drifting off into a deep sleep. Out of the blue I was awoken by splendorman dragging me down stairs as I screamed and kicked. "Let me go!" I demanded. "I'm not ready and you know that!" He smiled at me. "But you father Eyeless Jack you know..." I rudely interrupted him. "You inbasul! don't you think I know who my own father is?" His smile turned into a frown as we arrive the bottom of the stairs. All the pastas lining the walls as a metal bed centers the room. "Your coronation has come sweetie." Eyeless Jill says as if to welcome me, as if to ae me happy. Slenderman drags me by my feet onto the bed and straps me in. BEN waits in the corner of the room emotionless. How could he? He's my best friend! How could he just stand there watching me in tears? My vision went red. I screamed in pain as the red liquid coated every corner of my vision.The silence in the room was replaced with piercing ear shattering shrieks of mine. I sit up as fast I can, tears stream rapidly down my cheeks. Not to mention the endless buckets of sweat streaming down every inch of my face. But through all that is a hint relief. Relief that it was all just a dream. I should have known considering BEN didn't give a shit about me. I should have known BEN would never have cared less about me. He loves me too much for that to be possible. And love him too much to even let the be reality. I mean I love him as if he were my brother. Speak of the devil BEN comes rushing in as a result to my earlier screaming. "What happened Vaxin?" I look up still sobbing. " im Fine. Bad dream." I try to wipe the tears away but they just keep flowing "I thought pastas don't have nightmares." he teases me. "Not in this case. because I just had a nightmare." He chuckles. I smiled at him and think, how could I smile when I just been back stabbed in my own dream. But the one thing that hurt the most to me was that my own father and mother didn't show any emotion nor sorrow nor pity to any of my pain. Sad to even think of. But what if its the same in real life? I look over to my clock. 6:15PM. I have till 8:00PM until my coronation. Ain't nobody got time to add up the time I have left. "BEN. Come with me! Lets go see all we can! I only have this." He looks shocked I asked him, he knows about my crush on Masky. But I think he likes me.​​​​

4 Juliet Vipress

My mother ran over to me gently brushing off the bits of glass. Our eyes connected and my mom gasped. "Honey your your.. your eyes what happened to them?" My mom said.She saw the confusion in my expression and spoke as soft and kind as she could. "Juliet your eyes are not brown anymore.Are you wearing contacts? "I stood up and went into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, staring back at me were two green eyes, not like any other green eyes though.These were bright neon green almost blinding to look at. "No mom I'm not" I replied still staring at myself. "We should take you to the doctor just to see what is wrong. You could have some sort of disease or something" Hearing this from my mother snapped the sanity that I still had in me. "A disease! Is that what am?! a disease?! " I turned towards my mother and stared into her eyes. She slowly grabbed her chest just above her heart and fell to the floor. I never lost eye contact with her.She whispered 3 words I will never forget, "I love you." With this, her eyes closed and she became limp.I stood frozen, my feelings were boiling up inside of me, I killed my mother... with my mind.Sadness overcame me and I cried. Not just a few tears but everything I ever wanted to cry about just rushed over me as I sat next to my dead mother and held her cold hand. After a minute or so I stood up and dragged my mother's corpse into her room and layed her on her bed. I gently placed her hands around a pink rose that was in the vase next to her bed and put her hands with the flower on her stomach. Haley walked in behind me and asked what my mother was doing. "She wanted me to tuck her into bed." As I said this tears rushed down my face and Haley grabbed my hand. "She will wake up soon enough sissy." Haley said and jumped up on the bed. She kissed my mother's forehead and said two simple words, sweet dreams. As this happened I looked up to my mother and said the same. "Sweet dreams."I made Haley gather up her toys and I packed her clothes. After that I went into my room and took one last look at myself. My dark brown hair reached to my stomach, my glistening new grey eyes and sweet rosey cheeks. I wore an Abercrombie grey hoody, dark blue skinny jeans and my teal blue vans.I grabbed my ipod and started to write a letter to our neighbor kim. She babysits Haley all the time.The note said that my mother got into some trouble and it was threatening her family. I said that someone murdered me and now were after my mom and Haley. I placed the letter into an envelope filled with all the money I found in the house which added up to be a lot. I dropped Haley off at Kim's and took off down the street. I turned around to see kim crying and hugging Haley.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2014 ⏰

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