Maximum Ride (Fan Fiction)

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Ok I am not one to do fan fiction and this will not be right on with looks and all but please don't judge if I get it wrong in any way and this will go my way :) (Psst I didn't mean to make that sound mean...)

I was around four and at home with my mom and my dad was picking up my older brothers. My favorite show was just about to come on.

"Hey sweetie." My mom sat down next to me on the couch. Her brown curls bouncing around her face.

"Hey mommy!" I waved and turned my attention back to the t.v.

"Is Dragon Tales about to come on?" My mom asked in the sweet motherly voice of hers. I nodded real fast as I sang along with the theme song. That's when it happened, the door was kicked inwards by about three guys and the sound of the helicopter finally reaching my ears. I screamed along with my mother as they ran at me. My mom grabbed my hand and pulled me into the kitchen locking the door behind her. She opened the window and shoved me out of it.

"Go! I'm right behind you!" She yelled as I heard one of the guys trying to bust down the door. Tears were falling down my face as I climbed out. I looked back through the window to see the guys break down the door, my mom swung around in shock and screamed. A pair of hands grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder. I screamed, struggled, punched and kicked with all my might, but he never gave the littlest bit of slack. He ran over to the helicopter and climbed up the ladder, the other guys followed. Once in the helicopter I saw another guy holding a little boy, my age. He was fighting back tears of his own. I was still crying silently when I fell asleep, I woke up to my captures walking towards a old, rundown school building. I looked over and saw the little boy slung over one of the guy's shoulders, he was still asleep. Then the tears came back and rolled down my face.

"Shh shh don't cry little one, it's going to be fun here." The guy who was holding me patted my back, I buried my head into his shoulder and continued to cry. The guys walked into the building, showed some ID and continued on into a white room with some guys in white lab coats.

"Ahh there they are." A guy in a white coat walked up me and looked at me. smiling. Then he walked over to the little boy and smiled. The guys holding us laid us down on tables covered in white sheets. The clamped metal clamps around our arms, legs, throats, and one going around our heads.

"Now, now little ones, Just don't fight it." One guy in a white coat came at us with needles in hand. He used an alcohol wipe and wiped my arm then plunged the needle in my arm. I let out a ting cry then I felt numb. He came at my arm with another needle, he ejected me then I passed out.

I opened my eyes to see I was in a dog crate. I couldn't even stand up in it properly. Then I felt something on my back, then I heard a quiet moan from the cage next to me. The little boy was waking up.

"Uhhh," He moaned again. He was in a white t-shirt and white pants, and I was in white shirt and pants. "Where am I?" He asked so quiet I could barely hear.

"Are you ok?" I asked, looking at him. His head swung towards me in shock. He had black hair, paleish skin, and his eyes were dark, so dark I could barely even see the pupil.

"Who are you?" He asked, ignoring my question.

"I'm... I'm... I.. I cant remember." I said looking at him.

"Me neither." He admitted.

"Well... We could come up with names..." I let my voice trail off.

'Ok, I think I want my name to be... Fang." He said and crossed his arms.

"I will be... Maximum Ride." I said. Why that name? I had no idea. He nodded and just stared at me for a moment.

"Do yo-" He stopped talking and looked at something in a cage across from us. It was a green blob, puss coming from pores all over it's body, it was bleeding all over from what looked like cuts. I turned away as soon as I saw it.

"Ahh, I see you two are awake," A guy in a white coat came back in. He kneeled in front of my cage and looked in at me. "Did you discover anything?" He asked looking at me. I shook my head and didn't look right at him. "And how about you?" He looked over at Fang. He too shook his head no. The guy opened my cage door, grabbed my arm and pulled me out. Two guys came in and took me into a white room, the laid me on m stomach and cut slits out of my shirt in the back.

"Ahh they look perfect." One of the guys said, they reached down and pulled something that was connected to my back outwards. The lifted me up and let me stand on my own and showed me the things on my back. I took a shocked breath when I saw them, they were wings. Brown primary feathers, white secondary feather with black speckles on the end. The guys smiled slightly, I pulled my wings back against my body, the fit perfectly against me, tucked neatly against my back.

"Ok, lets go." The guys took my arms and took me into a different white room. The strapped me down to a white table and strapped Fang next to me. A guy in a white coat came at us with needles and surgical knives. They stuck me with a needle and I passed out.

I woke up to searing pain in my arms, legs and back. I looked and my arms and legs were wrapped in bandages, as was my back. I looked over and didn't see Fang. I pulled back to the back corner of my cage, curled up into a little ball and felt tears fall down my face. I fell asleep a little time later, silently crying of pain and fear. I woke up and I saw Fang's eyes watching me, I looked at his arms and legs, they too were covered in bandages.

"You ok?" He asked. I nodded then gestured to him with my head. "Yeah, im fine." He said. Then I heard a boy crying and screaming out in pain. I swung my head towards the door and saw a little pale boy, with white-blonde hair, getting carried into the room and placed in a cage. He too was in white pants and a shirt. He had bandages all over his body as well. He saw Fang and I look at him, he sniffled and asked our names.

"Im Max." I said.

"And Im Fang, what about you?" Fang asked.

"I don't remember." The little pale boy said.

"Choose a name, any name in the world." I said, he thought about it then spoke.

"Iggy," He said. Fang and I nodded. "Do- do you guys have... Wings?" He asked. I nodded, as did Fang. Iggy nodded, as if relieved he wasn't the only one. I felt really tired so I decided to sleep. Once I woke up I saw a little girl, maybe the age of two, She was really tan, possibly African American.

"Fang, Iggy." I whispered for them, they looked over towards me and then they saw her. We all decided on calling her Nudge. For the next two years, we had to take shots, had to deal with our wings growing. Once in a while they would let us roam around the room, Nudge was four now. There was a chair by the window so I sat in it and looked outside. I these guys all standing outside. Some of them whitecoats, some on them just guys. The let out a cage of chimpanzees, the guys grew muzzles, fur, claws, and wolfish stuff until they looked like wolf men. They chased down the chimps and tore them apart, limb from limb. This had been going on everyday for the past month or so. One of the wolf men looked at me through the window, snarled, then charged at the window. I jumped back in fear and let out a shocked cry. Fang, Iggy and Nudge ran over, well Nudge sort of ran, and they asked me what's wrong.

"Nothing." I shook my head and went over to my cage, climbed in and slept. The last thing I saw was Fang go off to a corner and sit by him self, as usual. I woke up to the sound of a cage being shut. I looked over and saw a little baby boy. He had blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Fang," I whispered, reached out my cage and touched his arm. His eyes flashed open and his gaze flew to me. "There is a baby here." I whispered and pointed over to where the little boy laid. Fang looked at the baby for a long time then said we would come up with a name for him in the morning.

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