Craved Love

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As she stares out her bedroom window, she wonders what he may be thinking. Does he love her? Does he take back what he said? What he did?

The rain pours fast and hard, drowning out the waves of her tears. The thunder thrashes against her window, muffling out the pain from her pounding temples.

It's midnight and everyone is asleep.

But she hopes he isn't.

She hopes he's regretting everything he's ever done to lose her. She hopes he's replaying the last time they spoke. The last time he hurt her in ways unimaginable.

But if he is asleep, she hopes he's dreaming about her. She hopes he's smiling without knowing it.

Cause maybe losing her hurt more. Maybe there's a chance he did love her. Maybe he still does.

But she still continues to pound her head on her window and ask herself why she still cares.

He left you.

He's hurt you in every single way.

Why do you still love him?

He's moved on.

He's with the girl you weren't supposed to know about.

He's happy without you.

He's forgotten about you.

He never loved you.

And so she'll tell herself she's done. That she doesn't want him anymore. That she'll burn all of his things.

And she will.

And she'll be happy for the first time in a while.

And she'll smile.

And she'll go out with friends.

And she'll laugh till she can't breath.

And she'll forget about him.

But when she sees him that Monday morning, her whole world will crumble.

When she sees him smile.

When she sees him with his friends.

When she sees him happy.

Her wall that she has built will fall.

It will crash and burn and set fire to her heart.

She will feel pain for the first time since that rainy night.

She'll take a deep breath and pretend nothing's wrong.

She'll walk past him in the hallways.

She'll turn the other way when he walks around the corner.

Because another look at him will completely destroy her.

Maybe he does still love her.

Maybe he misses her and it hurts like hell.

Maybe he's burning inside.

And maybe every time he looks at her his heart breaks.

Because she's not looking back.

She wouldn't dare to.

Because if she did all the memories would come flooding back.

One more glance and she'd be begging for his love again.

She will not let her heart break again.

She will not let him in.

She will not let her body go to waste.

She will not long for him anymore.

She will move on.

She will move on.

She will move on.

But she drops to her knees and thinks.

What if she doesn't want to?

What if she hurts so she can learn how to heal?

What if she doesn't want to forget?

Because they loved each other with such passion that forgetting each other would be like forgetting what happiness feels like.

He broke her heart.

She died inside.

He left her.

She cried for days.

He moved on.

She lived half alive.

And she still hurts.

And she will hurt for years.

But at one time, he loved her.

He loved her with such a force that could move mountains. No matter how big.

She craved his love.

She burned for him.

They lived for each other.

But he's just a silly young boy

And he couldn't wait.

Some look back and say the boy was rotten.

But others say that the girl was stupid to stay.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2018 ⏰

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