"Ghost Whispere" Fan fiction by MJJFansite

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"Ugh, Alfie! Stop, don't lick my face!" My dog, Alfie decided to wake me up by running his gross, stinky tongue all over my face and jumping on me. Nice. I guess I'm used to it after all these years. Every morning he wakes me up like this, motioning for me to get up and take him for a walk on Sheffield's streets, but first... Breakfast! Ugh! My mother makes the best pancakes ever! Nah, I'm just kidding, I'm a healthy young lady. I'm 17 years old, I live in Great Britain with my mother, father and Alfie.
Alfie jumps off my bed and starts to chase his tail like usual. I get up with a biiiig yawn and look at myself in the mirror... I look like a freakin' zombie! Ain't nothin' makeup can't handle! Later... I'm too lazy to do that now. My parents are talking very silent in the livingroom, I can tell they are watching the news.   "Honey! Come down here please, you have to see this.." My mother yells. There's something different to her voice than usual... Something's wrong here, but what...? Alfie is pushing me forward, he's so God damn impatient!    "Stop Alfie!"  He almost got me falling down the stairs! A loud whine comes from Alfie, he really wants me to move forward. I can't help that I'm small, I gotta take small steps! Alfie on the other hand...
As I reach the bottom of the stairs, the sounds from the TV are getting louder. People are crying, screaming and whining over someone, I can hear them very clearly. My parents are talking very silent about my reaction to something...

I didn't even get to the livingroom before I heard the name of my idol, my world, my life, my hope, my  everything being mentioned in the news.    'Michael Jackson has died from a heart failure! His doctor, Conrad Murray is now suspect of being The King of Pop's murderer! 12 has committed suicide already, if not more!'
I find myself falling to my knees in deep grief, crying and screaming. My parents help me up and embrace me, but no hug in the world a part from Michael's will help.   "Get me away!!" I scream in between sobs and whines. They follow me up to my bedroom, filled my collection with Michael Jackson stuff.   "Here. Sit down.. Do you want to be alone?" My mother say. That's what's good about her, she accepts when I want to be alone. Of course I nodd, I really don't want them to be around me right now, I just want to cry silently alone in my room. As they shut the door, I turn on my stereo with Michael Jackson's   You Are Not Alone. I know this doesn't help at all, but still... Since it's a warm weather we have today, I change into a casual white T and a pair of dark denim shorts. I quickly put on my black Vans and a little bit of makeup. Luckily, I have a rope in my room! Don't ask... I tie it very securely to my bed and open my window wide. Guess what I'm going to do now? Yup! I'm going to run away, but only for a short time, I'll be back before they'll know I left...
With my door closed and locked, I start to crawl out the window with a tight grib around the rope. I cling to the rope and let out a little whine whilst still crying as I make my way down the rope. I land beside the stairs to our front door and hide the rope behind the bush. I wipe off my already smudged mascara from my cheeks and start to run, I don't know where, I just run. I'll let fate carry me. I don't really have so many friends to turn to.. I've been bullied most of my life, because I have this... thing.
Since I was little, these dead people started showing up around me. They were always asking me questions like,  'Am I dead?!'  or  'Can you help me?!'.  I had to make them shut up, but people would just look at me like I was a monster, but I learned how to disregard from them. Later, I found out only I can help these outlawed and bewildered ghosts, only I can make them cross over. You can call me some kind of a ghost whispere, yes.
The wooden house me and my friend, Oliver builded as kids is still here in perfect shape. Some small kids are probably using it now.. I climb the ladder and enter it. I guess it has been 12 years. Moss is growing on the wooden walls with a bit of moisture. It smells fresh, now I can think clearer. Pulling my knees up to my chest, I cry in silence in the corner, nobody is around, there's only me, myself and I...

*Britt fell asleep and started dreaming..*
I was in this dark place.. A bright light shining down on me, only me. Someome was walking around me, making mouth noices like he/she was dancing. Suddenly, I heard this deep, kinda sexy male voice saying, "Dare me..". It seemed familiar to me somehow, like I've heard this voice before, a voice I love so dearly. The fright was taking a serious hold of me, I couldn't run anywhere, I could barely move! My body started shaking in fear, and a loud scream was building up inside of me. I wanted to escape this nightmare so badly, but something or someone was holding on to me, making it impossible for me to make a move or wake up. In what seemed like an eternity I was trapped inside this hell. Again, the voice said, "Dare me". This... DUDE was in the dark, yet still so close, as if he was standing right next to me... He must be some kind of conqueror, he has got me wrapped around his little finger. Unable to hold in my scream, I finally let it out with all the power I could possibly possess. And then... Nothing. It all stopped, just like that.
I wake up all sweaty, humid and short of breath in the middle of the wooden floor, and not in the corner where I fell asleep... I look at my phone. FLIP!! Getting my shit together, I get up and climb down the ladder. With my small legs, I can't take the biggest steps, bit I can sure you... I am one hell of a runner, so it doesn't take me that long to get home. Climbing up the rope, into my bedroom, pretending like I never left...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2014 ⏰

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"Ghost Whispere"   Fan fiction by MJJFansiteWhere stories live. Discover now