(In Jimmy's room) where could my IPhone 6 s be?! I know I had it yesterday? "HEY MOM DO YOU KNOW WHERE MY PHONE IS?!" (In the kitchen) oh no Jimmy's on to the phone problem. Ugh I wish Dave didn't have to take Jimmy's phone with him to the office. ''NO JIMMY I HAVEN'T SEEN YOUR PHONE! BUT IF YOU WANT YOU CAN USE YOUR OLD PHONE!" " YOU MEAN THAT STUPID IPHONE 2gs?!" "YES, I MEAN THAT PHONE!" "FINE! I'LL GO GET IT. Stupid iPhone 2gs. Why can't I find my 6 s. Also why isn't Dave in his cage. Oh there's Dave. ''How did you get out of your cage buddy? I'm gonna call you a lot of the names I wanted to call you before I made your real name Dave. Now Poop Face Stink Butt get in your cage.''