Your Dimension is in My Hands (TeamCrafted FanFic) *Sequal to Opposite Gender*

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Sky's POV


"Dawn, we need to talk..." I said quietly as I sat down on the bed.

"I'm all ears." She sat down beside me.

"I know... That you and I have been together for a long time.... But I think we should breakup..." I said in the same quiet tone I had.

Her eyes started to water,"Wh-What?"

"I'm sorry Dawn, I just really don't feel it anymore..." I went for her hand to hold it, but she yanked it away.

"Don't touch me!" She stood up shouting,"All these years and you just... Decided to break up? And don't even start with that, 'We can still be friends' shit! Because I actually thought you liked me! Don't bother speaking to me again!" She stormed out of the room crying and slammed the door behind her which made me jump a little.

I let out a long sigh and put my head in my hands. Why me....

I heard someone a few minutes later come in the room. I look and see Jason.

"Hey, what happened to Dawn?"

"We broke up... And now she's mad at me...." I say as he sits next to me on the bed,"...I feel horrible..."

"Well, those are something's you'll have to face in life. There will be bumps in the road that you have to fix. (-Nayeli Castillo 2013) So, go and fix them..."

"Thanks Jason...." I said smiling at him.

He patted my back and got up from the bed."No problem..." He went to the door,"Hey, uh...We were gonna record a parkour map that some of the construction workers were building. Wanna come?"

I nodded and smiled as I walked out of the room and closed it behind me...

*after hours of parkouring while Adam was screaming and raging and throwing shit across the room...*

"And we'll see you guys later! Guh-BAAAAAI!" I said as I stopped my recording.

"That was soo awesome!" Jason exclaimed.

"Besides Adam bursting my ear drums..." Ty glares at me.

"What ever... Hey wanna go get something to eat?" I ask.

They both nod,"Hey! We can go to that new place they built in the kingdom! I hear that they make the best prizza, and really good hot wings."

"Then let's go." Ty said fixing his head set. We made our way there and saw Seto talking to a girl that was kinda short.

"Ooo, let's go see what Seto's doing." Ty said as he walked over to him. I grabbed his shoulder,"I don't think we should bother him, he might really like this girl."

"And what makes you so sure he likes her?" Jason asked.

"Well, look..." I pointed at them slightly. He talked with her and made her laugh. She passed him a piece of paper, and left.

Gloria's POV (I know what your thinking, WHO DA HAIL IS GLORIA?! THEN READ IT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD....)


I move in to my medium sized room in the kingdom, and get really tired. But I'm also hungry...

"Ughh." I say out loud. I flop onto my bed and want to fall asleep, but my hunger was keeping me up. Do I eat or take a nap? (Do not worry child, I, to, had asked myself this question many times...)

Your Dimension is in My Hands (TeamCrafted FanFic) *Sequal to Opposite Gender*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin