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"How're you feeling today?" My physiatrist, Sarah, asks.

I shrug, "Same as always, I guess."

She nods and scribbles something down in her notepad, "Do you feel that you're getting any better?"

I laugh, "I killed two people, I'm never going to get better."

Sarah shakes her head, "It's not funny."

"Maybe not to you but I'm literally crazy." I chuckle once more.

Sarah sighs. She was used to my wicked humor but I could tell that she was still highly disturbed by it. "So, have you made any new friends?"

I scoff, "Who'd want to be friends with someone who literally murdered his only two friends?"

"Some people here have done worse."

"What could be worse than this?"

Sarah thought for a moment, "Umm,"

Brendon crossed his arms, "That's what I thought."

"Well anyways, I hate to wrap it up during such an enjoyable conversation but I have another session I have to get to in a few minutes. Goodbye, Brendon. See you tomorrow." Sarah waved and grabbed her clipboard and began to walk towards the door.

"Always a pleasure, miss. Catch you later." I winked and Sarah rolled her eyes and shut the door behind her.

I hear my door open up again, "Such a nice lady."

I look up to see who it could be, "Hello, Dallon."

"I'm about to go to lunch, wanna tag along?" Dallon asks.

I shrug, "I suppose I could eat."

I got up from my bed and followed Dallon to the dining hall. We went down a long hallway then turned left and went into a room labeled 'Dining Hall''.

I followed the taller boy into the lunch line where we got our disgusting slop that these people call food and Dallon and I made our way towards our designated table. We sat down across from each other and began to eat our food until a familiar face greeted us. 

"Well hello. Hey! I thought you had another session to get to." I said.

Sarah waved, "Just finished up. Thought I could go for some lunch."

Dallon looked down at her plate, "How come your food is always so much better than ours?"

"I guess it's because I work here and I'm being paid to talk to crazy people." Sarah laughed.

"Hey, I'm insane and I take offense to that!" I said, followed by a laugh.

"Oh, I didn't mean it like that."

"Oh, it's fine." I assure her.

She raises an eyebrow, "I thought you said you haven't made any friends?"

"Dallon and I have been hanging out for about two out of the six months that I've been here."

"Oh, nice to see that you made a friend." Sarah gave me a soft smile.

"Yeah, Brendon's pretty cool I guess." Dallon laughed.

"If you don't mind me asking, but how did you end up in here?" Sarah questioned.

Dallon shook his head, "I don't mind. I'm in here for setting my parents on fire."

Dallon let out a wicked laugh and Sarah forced a chuckle, "Sometimes I wonder why I chose to work here." Sarah whispered to herself.

"Did you say something?" I asked and Sarah shook her head.

"Well I've gotta go. See you later, Brendon." Sarah said as she picked up her tray and headed out the the dining hall.

"Uh, what am I? Chopped liver?" Dallon asked jokingly, after Sarah had left.

Brendon chuckled, "She only likes me."

"Yeah, obviously." Dallon laughed as he playfully punched Brendon's arm.


new book!
i love the idea of this book and brendon and sarah are great so yeah
also i dont know if there is already a book with this concept but if there is then i'm not trying to copy anyone and i thought of it and i really liked the idea so yeah here i am

words; 642

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