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I woke up to my phone going off. An unknown number was calling me.

Me - hello

Stiles - hey it's me, what are you doing today

Me - making my halloween costume, why

Stiles - oh sick what are you going as

Me - Harley Quinn from suicide squad

Stiles - cool, wanna go get breakfast with me

Me -will you buy me pancakes

Stiles - yes

Me - hmm, sure, when

Stiles - I'll be over in an hour

Me - ok

Stiles - see ya

I hung up the phone and hopped in the shower.

After getting dressed I grabbed my wallet and went down stairs. I put my shoes and and saw him threw the window so I opened the door.

He just looked at me.

Me - what's wrong

Stiles - nothing you just look cute

Me - yeah well they changed my wardrobe to girly haha, but thanks

I said shutting the door.

Stiles - come on

We got in his car and he drove us out if town and to a small diner.

Me - they better have pancakes

Stiles - they do

We went inside and we took a seat at a booth. I sat cross cross because why not and he just sat there looking at me.

Me - what

Stiles - nothing

Lady - hey Stalinski, who's this

Stiles - this is ava

Lady - nice you, you must be special he never brings anyone here

Stiles - come on kait

Kait - fine what will it be

Stiles - well she wants pancakes

Me - chocolate chip pancakes

Stiles - what else do you want

Me - umm bacon and eggs with chocolate milk

Stiles - and I'll have the usual

Kait took our menus winked and Stiles and left.

Me - what was that

Stiles - I come her way to much on my own is what happened

Me - I feel special now, the bad boy took the good girl to breakfast at his favorite spot and the waiter thinks it's cute

Stiles - oh shut up

Me - rude

I said crossing my arms and looking away.

Me - hmp

Stiles - oh come on ava

Me - hmp

Stiles - I'm sorry

Me - it's ok

I said looking at him laughing a little.

Me - so what are you going for on halloween

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