The Last Call

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There was blood gushing from the wound on my stomach. I tried to ignore the pain as hard as I could as I searched around my pockets trying to get a hold of my phone. I was surprisingly calm, the only thing I was concentrating on was to make this call. I didn't need paramedics or anything, I knew my death was inevitable. I just needed to call her.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and immediately smudged it in bloody fingerprints. Unlocking it I went straight to the contact list, searching for the familiar name. Soon enough it was glowing on the screen in front of my eyes. I pressed it as quickly as possible and waited for her to answer. I took deep breaths trying to seem as normal and stable as possible even though I knew I didn't have much time left.

Finally I heard the beautiful voice answer the phone. "Hey sweetie", she answered the call and even though I couldn't see her, I knew she was smiling to herself. "Hi." I answered with a relieved sigh.

"I've missed you, how have you been?" her sweet voice asked me and I felt a single tear roll down my cheek.

"I've been...good." I answered, trying to sound completely normal. "I've missed you too, more than you can imagine." I continued meaning every word more than I ever have.

"Did you call for a reason or..." she asked getting more serious now.

"No...I-I just wanted to talk to you...I just needed to hear your voice" I answered truthfully.

"Is everything okay?" she asked sounding worried.

"Yeah, everything's fine." I answered and glanced at all the blood surrounding me on the ground. My skin was turning more pale and I was starting to feel really cold. "Am I interrupting something?" I asked her quickly.

"Well...I ran out of class to answer your call..." She answered giggling.

Of course she would do that, I thought to myself smiling.

"I'll let you get back to your class. I just wanted to tell you that I love much." I said, trying to put as much feeling into my words as I could. My time was running out.

"I love you too, silly." She answered and I knew she meant it. She just didn't understand my words., I mean, I love you, more than anything in this world. I love you more than life itself." I emphasized every word as much as I could with all the pain that was starting to take over my body, making my lips quiver and tears spill from my eyes."

"You're acting weird, are you drunk? " She asked with humor in her voice. "I have to get back to class. I love you too, more than anything in this world." She continued mimicking my words.

"Okay." I answered, getting ready to what was coming for me after this call ends. "I'll let you go now." I said but she didn't know how literally I meant it.

"You have to promise me to come visit soon, I love you, bye." were her last words before she hung up the phone.

"...Bye." I said into the phone even though no one was there to hear it.

I let my hand drop on the cold floor before I closed my eyes and took my last breath.

The Last Call (Short Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now