The History of their Life

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Hey Guys :3 this story was inspired by my best friend deadpoolthekid42 & Aphmau's World of MCD, and inspired by a friendly rp chat I'm a part of :3

If you know of Aphmau & the World of Minecraft Diaries, then some of these places will be familiar. It is set 200 years after the Great Wars, when the world has just begun to repair & rebuild.

As the sun skipped over the field, deep into the Valleys, the trees were tumbling in the breeze. The sun was high in the sky, and the flowers shimmered as droplets of water sparkled in the air. Dandelions float out across the field towards a small house near the edge of the woods.

The house is located on the outskirts of Phoenix Drop, a town left in ruins after the war 200 years ago. A man & his wife lived in the small house, that was covered in honey suckle & flowering vines climbing up the walls and surrounded in wild flowers. The blankets and clothes flapped on the washing line as the breeze skipped past.

The man had hair as light as the puffy white clouds above. And his eyes as green and glowing as the trampled grass below his feet. His name was Wren.

The woman with hair as black as night and eyes as blue as the deep ocean that surrounded the main City of Phoenix Drop. Her name is Katya. She was very heavily pregnant would waddle her way up to the top of the hill to visit the crumbling statue of Lady Irene. She prayed to Irene every day for the safe arrival of her first child.

On the day before her child's birth, Lady Irene spoke to Katya "you need to run, your child will be born with the power of Sir Travis, you need to flee the region of Ru'aun to the meif-wa region of Tu'la. There you will seek refuge".

With these words, Katya waddled swiftly down the hill to tell her husband Wren. They packed their bags & jumped on their small little sail boat and navigated their way across the ocean towards the large town of Alliance, the Capital of the Ru'aun region and the city and the birth place of Lady Aphmau, the second appearance of Irene.

The night had passed and land was in sight as Katya went into labour. As they docked, a woman near the dock came running out saying to follow her or the babies might die. Katya in a panic chased after the woman, as Wren tied the boat.

The woman guided Katya towards the drs house. As she reached the door, Katya screamed out in pain and a few minutes later a strong and healthy baby boy was born. As the Dr was making sure everything was ok, another baby started to crown. 7 minutes after the healthy baby boy came his twin, a fragile small baby girl.

Katya was in shock, she had two babies in her arms. The baby boy screamed and screamed whereas his sister didn't make a sound. As the Dr took the baby girl away, Wren burst through the door, looking for his wife & child. There sitting in the bed, was a bright eyed Katya with a bundle of joy in her hands, "twin have a son. We also have a daughter but she is small and fragile and may not survive the night". Tears cascaded down Katya's face as she held her baby boy close.

As the sun began to rise, cries of the two small children could be heard all throughout the house. The happy baby boy was christened with the name Wade James, named after Wren's Father & Katya's Mother. The baby girl was very small and underweight, Katya was worried for the baby girl's health, she was named Sakura Jayd, after Wren's Mother & the beautiful cherry blossom blooming right outside the window.

As the days went on, Wren gathered supplies as they prepare to flee to Tu'la. On the day of departure, Wade screamed and screamed when he was separated from baby Sakura. Katya, made her trek to pray to the lady Irene statue in the main plaza everyday, with the two children strapped tight to her front.

As Katya reached the statue, she saw a young child, begging for money. Katya didn't have any money to spare, but she gave the child enough money for a loaf of bread. As Katya got down on her knees to pray, she felt an immense power come over her, she soaked in the power as she thanked Lady Irene for the will power to continue. As she waddled back down the cobbled streets, towards the dock, she pondered the feeling she had. She had felt immense power, yet sorrow was accompanied with the power.

Before Katya and the twins boarded the boat, Katya send a message to her mother, who lived in the City of Albar, in the Tu'la region.

"Dear Mother, how do you fair? I gave birth to a boy named Wade & a girl named Sakura. We are heading to San Marbello as you get this. Please meet us there, it is of great urgency, Love your Katya"

With everything & everyone on board, they set off for the ocean of San Mar, where they would enter into Tu'la. The seas were rough but the weather was warm, as the ocean changed from a deep dark blue to a beautiful light cyan blue, with big areas of colourful coral & reef. The ever approaching shore, light up as the sun began to set, the fish market & the restaurants were in full swing once, Wren, Katya & the twins arrived.

The people were friendly, there were a few werewolves, meif-wa's, and a few people who are fox Wren. An older looking woman and a young boy stood waving at Katya & Wren on the pier. "Mommy!" The young boy ran fast to Katya with big open arms. They all gathered in a family hug as the older woman cooed at the babies, who were wrapped up together. Katya looked up to the black sky just as a shooting star zoomed past. She made a wish as they carried their stuff to the older woman's house.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2017 ⏰

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