An over do promise

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Being in Kalos is amazing lots of new pokemon, great friends and lots of strong trainers. Thinking back to my previous battles one of most exciting ones was in the sinnoh league it was my battle with Paul. I wonder how he's doing. 

"Hey ash are you alright." Serena wave her hand in front of my face. "Ash." I looked up to see Clemont, Bonnie, Serena and pikachu. 

" Hehe, yeah I was thinking about "something" don't worry." Why do my heart beat so fast when I think of him. Why can't I get him out of my head, why can't get his image out of my head. He so cold and cruel toward me and his pokemon, why do I have these feelings towards him. He a jerk, but the bell of the tag team battle. Why did I hang on to it for so long. Paul, what are these feelings for you. My heart is beating so fast it feels like its going to explodes my face feels hot. I try to calm down, just stop thinking about him.

Getting that out of my thoughts we kept walking towards Geosenge town, to rest in the pokemon center for the night. After a few minutes we were in front of the pokemon center when we enter the center. I heard a familiar voice,"Later Reggie." I Look over to see Paul on the phone. Oh on my heart beating fast again. 


I just arrived at Kalos not surprising to see the're not strong trainers. Damn are there any strong trainers here. Might as well go to a pokemon center in Geosenge town. When I walked in I kindly ask nurse Joy if I could use a phone. I went over to the phone to call Reggie, man he can worries to much. "Hello Reggie."

"Paul, you made it in Kalos how is it so far?" 

"Its alright."

"Your still thinking about Ash."

"Ngh. Sh-shut up." I can feel my face heating up, damn it Reggie. I shouldn't have told him about my feeling towards Ash. He's never going to let me this down. Fuck.

"Okay I'll stop but if you do see by any chance you have to tell him or other wise you'll regret it Paul."

I nod my head."Later Reggie." Looking over I saw a familiar face but his face was a reddish-pink. Kinda cute. I walked over. "Ash long time no see."

"Gulp, yeah long time no see Paul." Why must his face be adorable. This is not good for my heart. I got an idea.

"Don't you still own me a battle."

"Oh yeah." Same kind smile. Uh on on I can't thinking of that right now. I need to focus on the battle.

(NA: I'm typing this late at night so I'm not going in to detail with the battle. Sorry next time I'll go in to detail.)

The battle was pikachu of course against electivire my personal favorite a the battle, 6 to 13 minutes when the battle started and ended both sides being unconscious a blonde hair kid was the judge. we took them back in the center for nurse Joy could check on them.   

The two blondes and the the one with the pink hat went somewhere. Now mine change to tell him before they come back. Here goes nothing. "Ash lets go outside. We need to talk." 

" 'Kay."

We got up from the couch and headed outside. Looking over at Ash he was blushing. "Ash/Paul." We said that at the same time 

"You first go ahead" Again the same time. Might as well get it over with," I like you Paul/Ash." Alright this is just getting weird why do we ke- wait did he just say he likes me. "Gulp." My face is burning, Ash lower his head to behind his hat same old Ash. Placing my hand under his chin, flitting his head up. He so red "Ash I feel the same." He stare wide eyes at me, tilting his head I kiss his cheek.


" Ash lets go check on our pokemon."

We went back in to see if electivire  and pikachu are alright.   

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