SandClan Allegiances

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Spottedstar - Black spotted tabby queen with green eyes.

Pikepelt - Black mackerel tabby tom with orange eyes. Redpaw

Cuckooleaf - Blue grey and white queen with yellow eyes.
Burdockpaw - Grey molly with hazel eyes.

Loachfang - Black tabby tom with yellow eyes. Chervilpaw
Hollyfoot - Red and white molly with green eyes.
Leechface - Tortoiseshell queen with hazel eyes.
Dawnpelt - Pale tortoiseshell queen with green eyes.
Lightpelt - Golden and white tom with amber eyes.
Waxfur - Golden tom with green eyes. Bluepaw
Dovestorm - Grey tom with orange eyes. Firepaw
Asterclaw - Muscular blue and white tom with green eyes.
Heronpelt - Blue and white spotted tabby tom with yellow eyes.
Cootpelt - Black tom with green eyes. Shrewpaw
Foxtail - Ginger tom with amber eyes and white paws.

Wrenpaw - Small black tabby molly with green eyes.
Shrewpaw - Small brown tabby tom with hazel eyes.
Chervilpaw - White molly with one blue eye and one green.
Bluepaw - Grey and white tom with green eyes.
Firepaw - Ginger queen with amber eyes.
Gingerpaw - Ginger tom with green eyes.
Redpaw - Ginger and white tom with yellow eyes.

Yewheart - Black tabby queen with green eyes. Avocetkit, Sootkit, Dustkit, Sagekit
Dunlinwhisker - Black and white queen with yellow eyes. Expecting

Grousepelt - Black tabby tom with nearly blind green eyes. Gingerpaw
Chanterelleface - Once beautiful ginger queen with yellow eyes and a halftail.
Lichenfoot - Tortoiseshell queen with hazel eyes and a white underbelly.
Martenface - Brown tabby tom with green eyes.
Beetletail - Black tom with a scarred muzzle and green eyes.
Blackcloud - Black molly with a horribly torn up face and yellow eyes.

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