15 Years From Now

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15 years from now, what do you think we'll be?

A cute married couple sitting under a tree?

Or maybe 15 years from now, we'll live in the city.

I know you love the lights, you always say they're pretty.

Or 15 years from now, we could live somewhere new.

It doesn't matter to me, I just love being with you.

15 years from now, it won't matter what we've done.

How many times we've fought, or been on the run.

15 years from now, I'll be together with you.

Nobody can separate us, and you know it's true.

And 15 years from now, when people stop and stare,

We'll walk on by, not giving a care.

15 years in the future, it doesn't matter to me,

What you want to do, or what we will be.

15 years from now, we'll still be together.

It's a promise I can keep, and it'll last forever.

Because 15 years from now, I'll still love you the same.

It won't matter to me if you changed your own name,

Or if 15 years from now, you life is a mess,

And you need me for comfort, I'll relieve your stress.

15 years from now, I'll be the person you need.

You can make your own path, I'll follow your lead.

So 15 years from now, when the time is here and our lives are figured out,

We'll have this same conversation again, I say this without a doubt.

15 Years From NowWhere stories live. Discover now