After acting weird towards me H and Soro took me into the backroom behind the gym. H and Soro couldn't get those odd grins off of their faces. In truth it was making me the taddest bit uncomfortable. H opened his bag and pulled out a needle. He looked at me and his features softened.

"I need to make sure that your loyalty lies with us and not...the others." he said making the 'others' sound foreboding. He handed me the needle and began instructing me o what to do.

The instructions were simple- push the needle through my eye.

"Are you serious?!" I said looking to Soro for reassurance. She just smiled as if what I was doing was second nature. I hesitated and looked at the needle, imagining it going through my eyeball, possibly piercing my optic nerve.


- Go to part 6 if you are willing to risk Kimchi's eyesight 

- Go to part 5 if you aren't willing to take the risk

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