On the Edge

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"Jasp!" A small, nasally voice whispered.

I stirred in my sleep, murmuring something sluggishly.

"Jasp!!" He said a little louder, waking up the young camper.

"Davey?" I questioned, rubbing my eyes.

"Obviously." Davey whispered, grabbing my arm. "Come on! Today we're escaping."

"I thought you liked this camp?" I asked, pulling my arm back. "And that idea is whack, there's no way we can hide from Darla and Gregg, they know everything." I yawned.

"We're not gonna be near them." He said, hiding a smirk. "They'll never know what hit them. Just come on!" Davey grabbed my arm and led me to the dock.

The plan was that we were gonna swim to the island across the way, which was named Spooky Island for some unknown reason.

It didn't come across as spooky at the time, if anything it looked peaceful.

"Davey I don't think this is a good idea." I said nervously.

"Can it dude! It's gonna be great." Davey said with mock enthusiasm.

I looked at the water nervously but then smirked. "This is gonna be rad."

I trusted Davey, more than I trusted anyone.

We sat at the edge of the dock and began to plan how this would go, we'd dive quickly and swim out. There's not much to really consider, besides the cold drift that was coming up from the stream. Summer was ending so the nights were colder than usual.

"You ready?" Davey whispered excitedly.

Before I could answer, a small hand shoved me into the depths. My chest immediately caved as I lost control of my body, which began to tingle. The water was freezing.

And I loved it. It was a refreshing feeling, I let it linger for a bit before resurfacing. "Holy shnikes Davey!" I chortled, dragging my friend into the water.

"Hooey that's cold!" Davey exclaimed, shivering slightly. "Let's go!" He began to paddle.

He was one of the best swimmers at the camp.

I, of course, was the worst.

But it was okay, I had my own personal lifeguard with him. "D-Davey?" I called out, a sinking feeling resonated within my chest.

"Yeah Jasp?" Davey turned his head and trudged on.

"It's so cold," I sighed as I swam, shivering slightly.

"I kno, but we're almost there!" Davey flashed a sincere smile and kept swimming.

We made it halfway across the lake before I couldn't handle it anymore. My arms and legs burned from overworking them. I decided I'd just take a break and began to float in the water.

"Jasp?" Davey called out, swimming close to the floating body. "You're okay right?" He said nervously.

"I'm fine," I said, opening my eyes. I turned onto my stomach and went to swim but my arms and legs refused to move. My body ached. "Davey I can't move." I whispered nervously.

"You what?" Davey said, swimming back over as soon as he can.

The waves slapped my frigid body. I shot my hand up and fearfully waved it around before it sunk under the water, landing next to my limp body. My lungs began to fill with a burning sensation, acid. I could hear screams of fear above me, pleading for me to raise my hand one more time. But I couldn't, my arm felt numb as my whole body burned. I tried to give one last push but failed of course.

I give up and float aimlessly, my eyes were wide with fear and my mouth remained shut.
I sat there hoping, praying for help. But no one came, not even Davey could save me here. My chest ached and my lungs were ready to burst. I let out a sob, understanding that this was it.

This was the end.

I open my mouth and let the water flush through me, taking whatever life I had out.

"Jasper!" I heard a voice scream, as two small hands wrapped around my limp body.

I couldn't move, I couldn't speak.

I couldn't breathe.

I felt like I was floating, was I alive?

Davey clamored to shore and sobbed. "Jasp, hey, buddy, come on." He slapped my face, not that I felt it.

I was just an observer. I watched as Davey cradled my body. He tried to do CPR and failed, his fist collided with my chest. It looked like it could've hurt.

"Fuck," He mumbled, looking up and facing Darla. "Fuck." He repeated, sinking to the ground miserably.

Darla grabbed my arm and felt for a pulse, but knew she was wasting her time. There was nothing there, she only did it for Davey.

I stood there watching the whole scene unfold, it was a true out of body experience. Not that I would ever be in it again.

I was dead.

ayyy lmao

welcome to the one shot book :) :) :) hope you enjoyed that jaspvid fluff :):):):):)

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