Pleasant day

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"What a day! It's raining again..." I grumped as I stared at the darkened sky. the rain doesn't seem like it would stop anytime soon...

and to my luck, I forgot my umbrella at home.... *sigh*

"well... Isn't that Great?" I said sarcastically, pouting my annoy away...

I was thinking to get back inside the store to at least take a sit while waiting for the rain to get cleared. But then I stopped in my track as a voice called for me.

"Tsu!!" reflectively I turned my head. That's when I saw my boyfriend, who's drenchend all over, running to my dirrection.

His name's Yamamoto Takeshi. The sport star in his school, Namimori high. Meanwhile I, Sawada Tsunayoshi is nothing but a loser from that so called ellite school for girls, Midori High. He confessed to me more less 1 year ago, when we were both still a freshmen. 

I still can't believe that a school idol like him could fall for me, a worthless girl who can't do anything right. Well, except for Cooking, since it's my speciality. The only thing that's good from me as how I said it. But Takeshi, said otherwise. Cooking was one of the things that I excell. 

I who never feel what's love from my abusive parents, for the first time in my life I know how it's feel to be loved...

and ever since that day-

He fixed me...

He cured me...

He completed me...

He makes me a whole...

And he did that all in his own goofy ways while I loved him back with all my being...

And that's why, at the sight of him like that my face instantly crumpled into a frown. "Take-kun? why are you here?!" I asked in curiousity and worry as I took out my handkerchief to help him dried hismself. And even though I know that it's futile, I still wipe his head with it anyway.

"Me?" he said pointing his own nose, still grinning. he didn't seems tired from that run. well, that's so to be expected from a sportman like him.

"Well, I was training with my fellas when it's suddenly raining. I didn't bring my unbrella and it's boring to wait for the rain to stop. So I decide to run through it. I'm so lucky to see you on my way. I guess this is what they called a fate?" 

"I-D-I-O-T!!! You'll catch cold if you're this drenched. Goodness, Take-kun! Please take care of yourself and think before you act!" I scolded him. But he just laughed instead, before he then ruffled my brown locks.

"Maa~ It's okay, Tsu! I'm strong! beside, there's a saying that 'an idiot can't catch a cold', right? and you just admit that your boyfriend here is an idiot" he joked as he wigled his eyebrow.

"T-That's not my point here, Mister!" I said, blushing as I throwed my handkenchief to his face, while he just laughed it off.  I throwed my gaze off him to the road, pouting as he did so.

"I... I just don't want you to get sick, you know?" I muttered lowly as I uncounciously pout even more.

Just then, I felt someone hugged me from the back. It makes me slightly jumped from the suddenness.

"I'm sorry, okay? I'll try to do it next time... so don't be angry please?" Take-kun whispered next to my ear as he rested his chin on the crook of my neck. I blushed hard as I can feel his warm breath brushing over it.

'He's so close!' I mentally squealed.

"I-I-It's okay... Take-kun... a-as long you understand..." I said, stuttering from all of my nervousness. 

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