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"Paris! It's the first day of school!", I groaned as my step mom pulled my comforter off. "Ok, go away"

She got up and left the room. I rolled over to my night stand and grabbed my phone. I tossed it on to my bed and stood up. I walked to my closet and pulled out some ripped jeans and a white shirt with a tie up in the front. I threw it on and went to my bathroom an brushed out my blonde wavy hair and brushed my teeth to the beat of a song playing on my phone. I then did a little bit of makeup. I ran up the stairs and saw my stepmom making muffins.

"Oh, Hi sweetie I made a batch of muffins for you.", she looked at me with a slight smile.

"Thanks, but I'm on that diet. Remember.", I stated but my diet actually consist not eating any of her food. It may kill me so I just grabbed a shake that I made the night before. But this "diet" actually made me loose a lot of weight plus I was working out. I ran out the door before she could stop me. I got on my bike and started to ride it down the block to school. I go to the parking lot without hurting myself so that was a good sign. I was a bit late for getting our lockers and crap but I ran in anyway. Not expecting the whole high school class to be looking at me. I just walked briefly to the back and stood there. We got all of or crap and I went to my first class. Art, I'm not even good at art just an easy A. I walked to the class room and saw it was with older grades mixed in to. I put my book bag next to a random chair and started digging threw it. When I looked back up a guy was sitting next to me but was looking the other way so I just ignored him. My friend Cole short for Nicole. She walked over to me and glared at the guy and cleared her throat. He turned around and.. oh my he was so good looking it hurt. He then stated to speak, "Yes?"

"Your in my seat.", she scolded him.

"Nope", he just looked at me. And scanned my body. Cole just stomped away.

"Hi.", he looked at me. He had really dirty blonde hair and a nice face.

"Hi.", I returned the look. He smiled at me and I just turned my back and mouthed "oh my god."


He turned to me wide eyed, " So she is going to be annoying."

"I hear a divorce.", he just laughed at me.

"So what grade are you in?, he asked.

"I'm a sophomore. You?", I returned his question without blinking.

"I'm a senior.", he rocked his head back and fourth.

"So my friend is throwing a party... wanna go.", asked me without skipping a beat. But on the inside I was freaking. What if he murders me? What if he's actually a big douche? OH MY GOD!

I looked at him and said, "Sure." like a freaking idiot! The bell rang.

I ran out the door. But Cole and the guy caught up to me and the guy asked for my number and Cole just sat there and glared after he left she looked at me and started to say something but I put my finger to her mouth. "Wanna go to a party?" She just looked at me and nodded.

The rest of the day was slow and boring. School got out and a mob of people asked for photos with me and at least 5 guys asked me to a party. I of course I said no and Cole got asked too but it was by our other friend Jay. So me and Cole got into her truck where I threw my bike into. We went back to my house. We ran into my room to avoid my Dad's girlfriend. I pulled out my crop top that was yellow with white stripes and a crossover on it. And I made Cole wear jeans and a cute hoodie. I got a text from my date that read 'Can I pick you up in an hour.?", I texted him my address and did my makeup again. "On my way", got text from him. I ran up my stairs and yelled "I'm going out!" and ran outside and saw Jay's car pulling in after a black car and he stepped out.

"Hi.", I said as I walked to him.

"Hi.", He said as he opened the car door for me. I sat down on the leather seat. He started to pull out and I saw Jay let Cole in. The car ride felt so short getting to the party. You could hear the music from a block away. And people were yelling and as I walked in a girl walked out and puked off the side of the house. He pulled me closer and put his arm around my shoulder. This is one of my first real parties. We walked in the front door and no one seemed to notice. And I'm so glad they didn't care. Some guy yelled, "Spin the bottle!", Everyone was pushing to get in a circle and me and the guy got separated someone tripped me and I fell on my knees right into the circle and just played it off and sat down and across from me was the guy. Someone grabbed the bottle and it landed on him and he grabbed the bottle and pointed it at me and got up started to walked towards me. He grabbed me by my hand and pulled me up and leaned into me. We kissed and felt like we were kissing for 5 minutes. Everyone was oohing. And the song "No option" started to play and we started to dance to it. I just wouldn't look away from him. I swear every time I emptied my cup someone was there to refill it. I was having a great time and I couldn't really help it with all the alcohol in my tiny body. We found a stairwell and he went up it backwards while holding my hands. I was mesmerized and just followed him up the stairs. And I trip on the last stair up and he gabbed me and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He pulled me into a room. And we fell on a bed and took of his shirt. He rolled me over so I was on top of him. He tore off my shirt. I was slipping off my pants and after that everything was blurry and distant.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2018 ⏰

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