The Low Res Zone

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Welcome To The Low-Res Zone - Part One Of My Time In The Low Res Zone.

The year is... Well unimportant. My name is also unimportant. My URL is kawaiiscientist. Everywhere. I am a member of the first UltraConnected Generation. A couple decades back, I don't know how long ago, just sometime, an complete genius came up with the Internet. I don't know who, but I know they were possibly the best person EVER! Anyways, I'll get onto the point of this very long blog post, without any pictures! Since everyone of the last Unconnected generation is considered dead or really really old, I think my generation is unique and unhindered. But there are consequences. Everywhere in the world, people have internet, except Africa and you know, like other places. But if you are found abusing life or others through the internet, you get thrown in the... Zone. There is one in every country. Its a prison, coated in lead and wifi resistant materials. There, wifi is rationed, and good wifi, the high bandwidth stuff, Ah, that is distributed even more stringently. I am writing this from both inside and outside the zone. It first started 7 months ago. I accidentally made a remark against trans people that was very offensive. That was strike one. Then I sent an angry message to a person on the internet who had made a very frustrating piece, but I found out I was one of ten, and the girl almost committed suicide. I felt very bad about that, but it was strike two. Strike three happened surprisingly fast after that. I was messing with a friend at my school, sending her anons saying I knew who she was, and how I was going to mess with her. Turns out she guessed it was me, and then slapped me the next day at school on the edge of tears. Strike three, and then I was off to the Zone. The Zone is horrible. You have to work for your wifi. Turns out they use people in the Zone to monitor and send other people to the zone. For every hour you put in, you get ten minutes of half strength bandwidth wifi. We call it HalfWif. Out of that hour you worked, you also get 60 seconds of full strength bandwidth wifi. We call that FulWif. That is your currency. The normal exchange of FulWif tot HalfWif is 1 second to 15 seconds. That sounds strange, how it should be 1 to 10, but its not. FullWif is much more valuable than HalfWif. Thats what I'm sending part of this on. You can also buy stuff at the shops with wifi time. Snacks, access to the... High traffic areas of the internet. But everyone has a uniform and a SmarTPhone. Yes, that is a capital T. It stands for traffic. Smart Traffic Phone. The extra T is dropped. Just because. But we can access our time levels when ever we want on the phone, and also contact each other inside the Zone. But not much or long. Its hell. The one thing everyone wants is time boosters. For a whole twelve hours of FulWif, you can add an extra fifteen seconds to how much HalfWif you make for an hour of work. For 24 hours of FulWif, you can add fifteen seconds to how much FulWif you make for each hour. 24 hours. Its absolutely ridiculous, but what can you do. And then there are the illegal trades. You can send each other time, just if they are short, or you want to split something and they are paying you back. But you can bet, although you arent supposed to, and you can get illegally smuggled connections. Some people make a living off of getting wires into the Zone for people to message their family, or just other things. There are seven wires into the Zone, all run by different Wifi Gangs. Sometimes the Wifi Gangs like LinkSys, and All Up In URL Business try and take over others wires. It doesn't go well to often. No one is hurt, but often the IP monkeys get hurt or lose a lot of time. The STPhone monkeys are the people who steal time or codes to others SmarTPhones. But almost all of everyones time goes to the gang leaders. Currently the two major gangs are Dot Tumblr Dot Com and Little Port On The Desktop. Their leaders are actualfuckingbird and athousandsweetchickens. Don't ask me how they got to the top, but everyone who's a major member of Little Port On The Desktop has at least 30 seconds added to each amount of time they gain for FulWif. Pretty scary. Alright thats from inside. I might be able to scrounge up enough HalfWif to do another. This took me a month.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2014 ⏰

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