Cold Water[Kaito x Miku]

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Because of the advancing of technology and the recent wars between the two countries that resulted in the queen and king to die a devastating dead. The princess in training had to take the lead in becoming the Queen.
Harvesting her magic, she decided that she was going to use it to defend her and the people.

The war continued.. Killing many innocent people that get involved. She was fixed on stopping the war but the other side didn't want to negotiate. They only wanted to take the throne from her to grain more power over the people.....

Kaito sat next to Miku as She gulp down the last drop if her drink. She had just lost her friends Rin, Len and Luka in an accident that cause them to burnt to death. Kaito was only lucky because he was on a mission at that time or he would of met the same faith as his friends.

He clinch his hand into a tight fist to the point of seeing his vain. But Miku was feeling much worst than him. It was like a brick wall separating them as he tried to talk to her, she wouldn't say anything to him. She just kept on drinking.

Hatsune Miku was the name of the beauty that sat before his eyes. Her long blue hair curled at the end almost touching the floor followed her graceful movements. She turned around facing him her blue sapphire eyes revealed only sadness as she took another glass full.

Miku suddenly dropped the glass which brought Kaito out of his thoughts. Some soft sobs was then heard from her.

"Sniff... Why..sniff....Why them?" She asked.

Kaito got up and walked behind of her.

"Come on that's enough." He had agreed for her to drink but promised he'll also stop her when it gets put of hand.

"Don't worry I'll pay." He said putting the crystals on the counter.

He held up Miku who was drunk and led her out if the bar. A hologram appeared as Kaito designed a car for them. He help her in and went in after her and drove off.


He was now inside Miku's room. It's been a while he has been there. Nothing hasn't change she still have up pictures of him and her friends. Miku didn't like living in the palace, after her parents died, so she brought a small cottage away from it.

"Hey can you sleep with me tonight?" Miku asked.

She was using her hologram to change her clothes.

"What are you doing?" Kaito asked embarrassed.

"Am changing." Miku said about to apply her choice in clothing.

"Do...n't do... it in fo...unt of m..e." Kaito stutter.

Miku really didn't mind changing in fount of her childhood friend. They did that a lot when they were kids.

"I'll wait til your finish." Kaito said flustered running out of the room.

Miku tilted her head to the side, "Okay."

The clothing she had on dispersed as a new one take form.

"You didn't answer my question." She said with her hands on the nob.

Knowing what she's taking about he answered, "S.sure I'll sleep on the couch." He said leaning against the door.

She pulled the door open causing kaito to fall in. Kaito looked up at her amazed. She had let her hair down and dress in a blue night grown. If one look carefully you could of seen her skin revealing from under it. He got up.

"Goodnight. Sleep well." He said blushing then turned around to exit the room.

She grab on to his hand. He turned around to face her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2017 ⏰

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