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"My baby boy!" My mother cries. I can't feel her warmth anymore everything is dark now. I don't feel pain or anything at all now. Its peaceful compared to what I had been dealing with.

"Time of death three forty two" I can hear a man say. He sounds like doctor Johnson who's been taking care of me for the last week. "Cause of death infection" Cause of death?

What are they talking about and why is my mom crying? Where's dad? Why can't I see anything! This is frustrating with everything so dark. I feel like I'm floating maybe I'm asleep?

"Wynter!" Mother wails. I'm not sleeping. The pain of hearing her like this is too real. I want to call out to her be in her arms again but I don't even know which direction she's in.

A bright like a flash blinds me making me cover my eyes with my arm. I can see my arm now. The room is in front of me again I can see my mother now. Johnson is on the corner of the room besides my father who is silently watching mother cry over my body. I'm looking at my sick body. I'm floating above the room on the ceiling looking down on this scene.

"Mother!" I cry out to her wishing she would look up and see me. She would grab me and bring me down giving me her love and affection.

She doesn't look up though she keeps crying over my body I've left behind. Father walks forward and puts a hand on her shoulder. She finally looks up at this but she doesn't see me. She turns to my father looking for comfort. He helps her stand up and starts to lead her out of the room.

"Mother father please don't leave me!"  They don't hear me or can't. Johnson is still in the room. "Doctor help me!" I beg. He goes to my body and lifts the sheet putting it over my face. "No no no!" He leaves the room leaving me by myself with the empty body. I try to follow but I'm trapped. I can't move from my spot above the body that looks so much like me.

Anybody please mother, father, Anna, I would even take the cat George right now to comfort me. Anna got to stay home because she wasn't sick she might not even know that.y body is dead right now. She's an only child now. Will mother and father move on forgetting me and turning to Anna to teach her what they could never teach me and giving her love and happiness that I can never have? I'm sinking. I'm physically sinking. I'm falling from the ceiling to the floor besides the bed. The floor comes closer and I start to wonder if I'll go right through it and into the ground. I come to a stop so my feet touch the ground but I don't feel the cold floor under my bare feet like I have so many times before. I feel nothing. I take a step towards the door and actually move. I can go after my parents try and see them again before they completely forget me. I run out the door and down the hall towards the front desk and waiting room. They must be sitting there waiting for me to come. I go to push open the swinging door and I run right through it without it moving an inch. I stop scared for a second looking at the door and down at my self. I still have my hospital gown on and I'm intact. I look around the waiting room and see it's empty there isn't even anyone at the desk. Where did they go? Suddenly a door opens and doctor Johnson and a nurse step through with my parents behind them.

"Mother!" I run to jump into her arms but I go right through her just like the door. I scream. I turn around to try again and see my father holding a box with my things in it. The clothes I wore to the hospital the first day, books, and flowers people had given me. Why does he have those? They keep walking with tear stained faces.

"Where are you going?" I ask them but they don't say anything back.

They leave the hospital with my things and don't look back. I try to follow them but my body won't let me. Somethings holding me back almost. "Mama!" I drop to my knees in the middle of the floor. They can't just leave me like this. What kind of parents leave their sick child all by themselves? Father said I wasn't a child anymore but he can't just leave me can he?

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