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  Louis rubs his closed eyes with the back of his small hand, tired. He yawns, stretching with his short arms pointed. One balled into a fist and the other holding a red shiny apple. 

  The petite boy was busy studying late the night before, this is his final course so he's trying his best. He heads in as the familiar ding-dong echoes through the large school.

  The few kids hanging outside rushed in, meaning he had missed the warning bell and it was time for class.

  The eighteen-year-old huffs and hurries inside, taking miniature bites of his small breakfast and fixing his bag on his shoulder, hiking it up. He sees his boyfriend, Mark, by his locker and he refrains from huffing again. He doesn't even like him much. Just lonely, he supposes.

  "You're eating again?" Mark sighs, an unimpressed frown on his face. Louis scoffs, trying to ignore the sting in his chest.

  "Yes, that's what humans do to survive." He mutters, unlocking his locker and transferring things from his bag to the small closet.

  "You're gonna get fatter," Mark warns, arms crossed as his face stays the same. And fuck does that hurt Louis. The shorter of the two rolls his eyes, seeming to be not upset but he really just does it so he could push back tears.

  "I know... Shouldn't you be getting to class?" Louis asks, avoiding his judging stare by looking into his locker.

  He hears shuffling but notices in his peripheral vision Mark didn't even move an inch so he suspiciously looked up and searched for someone else around. His boyfriend distracts him as soon as he thinks he caught on to something.

  "Yeah, actually. Someone in this relationship has to be smart." He says, not batting an eye as he leaves, the hallways desolate by now.

  Louis finally looks at his retreating figure as he feels a tear fall down his pale cheeks. He wipes it away roughly, he doesn't even know why he does this. Why he tolerates him. He'd actually rather be alone than insulted all the time.

  He sniffs as more fall and grabs his things, finishing his apple anyway and heading to class. He makes sure he doesn't look like he was crying with a quick trip to the bathroom by his locker. He hears footsteps behind him but they don't get closer as he walks away so he doesn't think much about it.

In class, his hand starts to cramp from writing notes restlessly, it's gonna be hell studying those notes later. The class had a test first thing in History and now they're taking more notes. He needs a break to put it quite simply.

The feather-haired boy asks for permission to go to the loo, Mr. Sniffknot nodded and Louis left the silent classroom that was filled with rolls of teens taking notes.

The bathroom is next to his locker so he, of course, passes his locker and smiles brightly when he sees a new sticky note. It's lilac with jet black ink written lightly in small cursive on the thin paper. Louis eagerly grabs it, for it's the second time he's received one of this. He blushes as he reads it and giggles quietly in his raspberry lotion-scented hand.

"Morning! First off, you're beautiful! Stunning! So perfect! You're not fat at all. Second to last thing, you are so smart! Smarter than that prick-I mean, your boyfriend. I know you get straight A's, I see it every time the teacher passes out grades. I'm very proud of you! You. Are. Awesome. - for Louis. "

  The writing was small and a bit sloppy, seemingly rushed. He loves it nonetheless though and wonders were the person who wrote this here this morning if they still are here. He smiles wider when he hears subtle breathing, it's slow but not slow like they are forcing their breathing to stay calm.

  He turns around, "I know whoever you are, you're still here. Thank you again, I needed this." He says, feeling a little weird because he couldn't see anyone.

  He heads back to class, not bothering to use the loo because he didn't need to. He wonders briefly if he should be worried he was being stalked. He hears footsteps and shuffling but he does not turn around because he knew he could easily find out who wrote the note.

  He knows the person wants to stay anonymous and the doesn't want the person to be exposed if they don't want it.

  He smiled for the rest of that day, even at lunch where he would usually be sad or upset because he had to sit with Mark's friends and be belittled, but he doesn't. Not even when Mark calls him weird for grinning. Nope, he didn't care because after lunch he received another sticky note.

  Salmon Pink...nice.

  He figures this person was there at the time and for some weird reason it didn't bother him.

  It read: "You're not weird. Hell, even if you were, be weird and proud. I'm glad I put a smile on your face earlier! You look beautiful, your smile makes me melt. I swear. Ignore that prick. - for Lou."

  He had one sticky note, a beautiful shade of salmon pink. He smiled and giggled happily as he wrote the dates on them and stuck them to his notebook to save for later.

  He had a great day.

a/n: what up, what up, what up!! It me. Zaayn. {pronounced Zayn, I know...I'm cool.}

I hope you enjoyed this chapter because i enjoyed writing it!

Please give ANY feedback you have, point out all my mistakes please! It won't offend me!

have a nice dayyyyy



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