More Than Just "People On The Internet"

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They all had me howling with laughter, cracking my ribs and rupturing my liver and making my lungs explode. Several times, my parents would ask who I was talking to, but I didn't wanna say "oh, jut some people on the Internet," because in truth, they weren't 'just some people'. I knew what Galaxy and Night, Ashlyn and Precious, looked like, thanks to a YouTube video they showed me. They were only a year older than me. Pop had become a twice-daily thing, and she was around the same age as Galaxy and Night. Alex kept my mood up, entertained me greatly. He was in my age-range. If I had told my parents that they were 'some people on the Internet', they would think I was talking to pedophiles and rapists. But they were really just kids. Our Feral Heart-routine went on for a good year or two, but some days, I couldn't get on, or they couldn't get on. My friends in real life were confused when I laughed at seemingly random things, but actually, in fact, were inside jokes my online-friends had come up with. I don't think anyone really understood. We may have lived in different states, and at one point, different countries, but I felt like I was connected to the four of them. Pop had lived in Sweden for a point in time, but she moved to the States about a year, maybe less, after I met her. Sure, I saw new people on Feral Heart, and I became good friends with a few, including Gary, Ben, Alaza, and Tori, but none of us had that connection that I was talking about with Galaxy, Night, Alex, and Pop. It was strange, because in a way, I didn't really know them. I mean, I knew their favorite colors and foods and movies and such, and a few deep things, but I only knew what Galaxy and Night looked like. I was still okay with that.

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