The One And Only Chapter.

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the reason


That was the one word that was ringing through the head of one ash ketchum. Now, for those who knew ash, him and the word "reason" didn't exactly go together. He was almost as unreasonable as one could get. True, when it came to off the wall strategies and on the spot battle tactics, he was a genius but everything else about him was beyond the pale of reason. So what would have pallet town's most famous son thinking such thoughts? Normally, he would be thinking of training or his next gym badge. But not today. Not now. Why you ask? Well, it stems from something that's happening to him at this very moment. The location was pretty normal for him; his room in his home in pallet. But the activity was far from what ash would be normally be doing.

Ash was in his room...

On his back...

In his bed...

With a girl on top of him...

Kissing him.

And to make matters even stranger for him, it was the identity of the girl that was the source of his unusual thinking process. It was the girl who could be called ash's biggest fan and best friend, dawn. Ash's mind was in over drive over this situation but his body was acting on its own. He was kissing dawn back, and his hands were groping her all over. How did it come to this?

If you were a friend of these two, you could probably seen this coming a mile away. It was always there, the potential for something more. So lets go back and trace this situation and how we got to this point.

Ash ketchum didn't pay much attention to girls. No, that would be a understatement. Ash didn't pay attention to girls, AT ALL! Sure he had friends who were girls but none of them could really get his true attention. For some reason, despite his idiocy when it came to romance and the opposite sex, ash was quite the ladies man, even though he never knew it. Some said that he and misty would make a good couple. Said as in past tense. True be known, as much as ash loved misty, he knew nothing would come of it. Misty was a loyal friend but her explosive temperament made it hard for him to develop feelings for her. They always seemed to be fighting for some reason or another, most of the time he not understand why she was so mad at him. No, for ash, misty was just a close friend. May was also out of the question for him as well. Sure, she was very pretty and more mellow than misty, he couldn't see himself with her. She felt more like a sister to him than anything, if that's how having a sister felt to him. Ash wasn't expecting romance on his new journey to the sinnoh region. It was just another step in his seemingly never ending quest to be a pokemon master. Boy was he in for a shock.

To say that his journey in sinnoh started off badly was a understatement. His eternal nemesis, team rocket, had attempted to take pikachu from him for billionth time it seemed, leaving ash running through this unfamiliar land with only aipom as his only useable pokemon. Later, he caught a starly in hopes of using it to find his friend. To his surprise he ran into his friend brock, who was chasing yet another girl and once again, got shot down. Eventually after a few events, ash found himself face to face with yet another one of team rocket's giant robots and once again, ash found himself spitting in the face of caution, leaping on the robot and climbed up after his small rodent friend. All the while, behind all the chaos and laugh of the terrible trio, he kept hearing this voice, calling out to him in worried and surprise. Ash didn't get a good look at the girl as he made a beeline to the massive mecha but he did catch a flash of blue hair. Even when he was climbing up the robot, he kept going back to the color blue. Strange thoughts to be having while climbing the side of a giant robot. After freeing his friend, ash was happy to send them on their way with a well placed thunder bolt, leaving ash, brock, pikachu and the girl who seemed to have protect pikachu in his stead. After dusting himself off, he finally got a look at the girl and what happened next was something that never happened to ash before: he was speechless. This girl was pretty.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2017 ⏰

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