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Focus- easier to say than done. Let's just say that I'm crapping myself about the whole situation. I need to focus if I want this to work out. I need to focus on all the words I need to use. I just need to focus and end this misery and finally get my happy ending. Fuck- I sounds so gay but I couldn't care less because we're talking about how to get the girl and be with her and get to know her that's all I'm asking I need to get to know her and take baby steps with her and all that....

"Focus, James." I taunted to myself and think of nice things to say because ever since I met her I can't seems to spill out some nice things to say she dig me big time.

I need a pep talk with my mother who knows best. I run downstairs and straight to the kitchen because I know where my mom is going to be.

"Hey mom." I hailed running my palm on my hair.

"Hey sweetheart. "She greeted back chopping a carrot.

"Do you uh have time?" I asked walking over to her grabbing a plate and put all the chop carrots on the plane.

"Yeah, why?" She asked.

"There's a girl." I told her.

"Megan? What's wrong with Megan? "She asked and I can tell that she's faking her sympathy. She never likes Megan and I respect that, we all have our own opinion right?

"Not Megan mom, there's one girl that... I don't know, she makes me go insane. "I groaned. She stopped chopping and look at me and smiled.

"You like her?" she asked.

"To be honest? I don't know, I mean I don't know her name but I know where she lives. That's pretty creepy, right? "I asked and she giggled.

"Yup, ever thinking of going to her house?" She asked.

"No, that's creepy mom. I mean. .. What was I supposed to say to her?" I asked.

"Ask her for a coffee or something?"

"I'm too coward to do that mom, I mean you know me, right? I just don't go to someone's house without their permission. "

"Well you have to grow some balls honey, go get that lady of yours." And I chuckled when she said 'balls' I thought it was pretty funny. .

" You're right and oh Jordan, Gerrard and I are going at SPCA showcase tonight and she goes to that school so. I think, tonight is the night that I'll finally know her name and all." I smiled just thinking about it and she smiled too.

"That smile of yours, I never saw that before. You dig her don't you? No lies, James I can tell that you like this girl so go get her babe." and I nodded. I helped her chop some more vegetables and went upstairs.

I knew momma's knows best.



Instead of focusing about the guy and the girl from yesterday, why can't I just focus on the leaflets for the show tonight? Why is it so hard to do that without getting distracted?

As much as I want to brush it all off, I couldn't. The image and everything keeps replaying in my head and it wasn't easy to focus if something is bothering me... I need more pep talk, I need some advice and I should call my mother and ask her.

I grabbed my phone and dialled mom's number and she picked it up after the three rings. "Hello." she hailed.

"Mom, sorry I know that you're in your leisure time but I just need to ask you something because it's bothering me." I said biting my thumb nail.

"Okay, shoot me." She said and I sigh.

"It's about. ..." I trailed off.

"Don't tell me you're going to have sex with someone! Alice the answer is no-" I cut her off.

"Mom, do you think I would call you if I want to sleep with someone? If I want to have sex, I won't call you at all mom." I chuckled at her.

"Alice... I'm telling you now, no sex or dirty things! You're too young. "

"I'll make sure to keep that in mind. And I didn't phone you to ask about sex and stuffs. I want to ask you. .. I mean to tell you that."

"You're pregnant?! Alice Marie Turner! "And I laugh.

"Mom, calm down. I'm not pregnant. There's just things bothering me like-" I stopped and took a deep breath. "Remember last Friday night? When you saw me with the...guy?" I asked knitting my eyebrow and hoping she remembers.

"Oh yeah, what about it sweetie?" She sweetly said and I sigh.

"It's. ... I mean... I-" she cut me off.

"He's bothering you? How come? "

"He keeps running through my brain and I don't know what to do about this and he was the reason why I forgot your birthday, I was too caught up on finding him everywhere but..." I stopped.

"I see... well I would say that this is what you call love at first sight. You wouldn't go crazy on this guy and look for him. I think I know you my darling. "She said and I blushed.

"Yeah well... I don't know what to do and yesterday, I was him in the mall-"

"What happened? Did he asked you out?" I chuckled.

"No mom, he uh he has girlfriend and I feel pathetic, a fool for looking for him. I don't even know his name and all." I said sitting down on my bed.

"Oh sweetie, just stop thinking about the negative thoughts. Think about that there's an explanation about what happened yesterday? Free your mind, babe. "She advised.

"Alright, thanks and I love you." I said.

"I love you too, honey. Take care, we miss you. "

"Miss you too, bye." I hang up and lay down flatly on my back and closed my eyes.

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